Ice cream

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I stayed in 'my' room for the next couple of days no matter who came to the door and told me breakfast/lunch/dinner was ready

but once it hit midnight I would sneak downstairs and go to my moms 'room' that room seemed more like a dungeon if you ask me she always has one hand and leg handcuffed to the bed i was always back in 'my' room by 5 through 

I guess today they all finally had enough though because at 7 my 'dad' came to 'my' room and dragged me into their dining room literally he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs and threw me in the chair next to his while all his sons just stared at the scene before them

"the hell?!"

"We let you pout in your room for the past four days but here in this house, we eat together as a family! and you watch your mouth it isn't ladylike to use such profanity!"

"I'm not-" Before I could finish my sentence one of the boys with short blonde hair interrupts me

"Does she have to be here?"
Do I want to be here? no.
Is his tone necessary? no, it isn't.

"Yes, she does James. get rid of the tone."

before the one named James could argue a group of three people walked in carrying trays and placing them in front of us

oh my god I feel like I'm in a Disney show with this food bacon, waffles, eggs, toast, a basket of croissants, and a bowl of different types of fruits all chopped up

I mean damn this is excessive had I known this was the breakfast they had I wouldn't have locked myself up in that room


before they could force me to spend any more time with them I go to my moms 'room' only to find it empty she isn't in here at all the cuff that was holding her to the bed is gone too,

running out of the room and to one of the offices luckily the office i go to is my 'dads' he is on the phone but the second he sees me he hangs up and smiles at me

"Hello, my little flower."

"what the hell did you do to my mother?!"

"Language, and I didn't do anything to her."

"then where is she?"

"in her room."

"no, she isn't." his smile vanishes as he stares at me trying to read my face


"she isn't in there at all. so where is she." he stands up and leaves the office while I follow hot on his heels he slams the door open to my moms 'room' only to see it empty like I had said it was

he ripped the room apart and slammed the bathroom door open and ripped the shower curtain off the rod when he got to the closet he grabbed the handle but it was locked so like any 'normal' person would he pulled out a gun and shot the lock then slammed the door open only to find it empty as well.

when he turned back to me he looked crazed and if I'm being honest the look on his face terrified me but before he did anything to me Leo stepped in front of me and says, "What's going on in here? We heard a gunshot." turning around I see the others all watching closely

"shes fucking gone! That fucking bitch left again!" He throws his arms around as he speaks

And some of the other boys walk into the room one of them I'm not sure which one grabs my shoulder and pulls me out of the room.

I'm not sure where we are headed until we actually enter the room and I realize it's a kitchen, he sits me down at the island and then walks over to the freezer and pulls out two things of ice cream

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