Zote X Fem!Warrior!Reader

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Eeehhhhhh, I can't believe I'm saying this but UuUuUuHhhHhhH- I kinda like Zote ngl- 😳


You wandered down in a unusual area in GreenPath. Instead of the lush green scenery, it was similar to the Forgotten Crossroads. You held an elegant, slim pure nail, which often gets mistaken for a needle. You heard rather loud grunting nearby. Curious, you went to find the source.

You stopped in your tracks as you craned your neck upwards, there you saw one of the menaces to society: A Vengefly King. You happened to notice it was chewing on something, the grunting and shouting was also louder. Nail in hand, you clambered up the ledge to get a better view, and there and then, you saw a short bug, most notably, your size.

He had a long cloak, maybe a little too long unfortunately, he had a shell wood nail? He can seriously do better by collecting enough Geo and visiting a NailSmith...You thought to yourself, sighing quietly. You approached the VengeFly King, slashing it with your nail.

In an instant, it dropped the short man as it flew upwards, away from the male bug as it screeched loudly, making him flinch. You gripped your Nail firmly as the VengeFly King backed up, swooping down to you. You dodged skilfully, slashing it's back open. It screeched loudly, then it collapsed to the ground with your fatal blow to it's back.

You turned around to face the short bug, he was still on the ground, grunting. With a light sigh, you approached, sheathing your Nail as you gently patted his back, getting his attention, "hey!" You exclaimed softly, "are you okay?" You asked worriedly, then the male bug frowned, "stop babying me." He replied sternly, though he appeared somewhat flustered.

You raised an eyebrow, confused, "I-I beg your pardon?" You muttered, "I-I I was just helping you, it isn't called 'babying'. If I were babying you, I would've stayed by your side everywhere you go and kill all the infected citizens for you." You pointed out, though politely. Despite your menacing and intimidating demeanour, you posed a polite personality.

"Yeah-Yeah whatever." He scoffed, collecting his Shellwood Nail from the ground, then he turned to you, "I am Zote the Mighty! A Knight of Great renown!" He exclaimed, making you crack a snicker, then a laugh. He frowned, "what's so funny?!" Zote overreacted, you snorted, "I-Im sorry!-" You laughed, "It just that-! H-how? -pray tell-?! Are you going to kill enemies with SHELLWOOD?" You wheezed, kneeling down slightly as you slapped your thigh, unable to stop laughing.

Zote glared at you, somewhat hurt by your words, "I..." Zote breathed, "I-I will kill anyone with this nail if I have to!" He snapped furiously, making you stop in your laughing fit. Then you noticed his hurt expression, "a-are you okay? Did I offend you?" You asked, ashamed of yourself for being so blind to see he was trying his best.

"Oh YES you DID!" Zote snapped angrily, "I'm sorr-!"
"Shut up." Zote interrupted, hatred burning in his eyes, "see you later, I suppose." Zote growled, gripping his ShellWood Nail firmly as he stormed off. You looked down, ashamed and guiltily, "so stupid!" She shouted at yourself, facepalming hardly, intentionally making you flinch from pain, "I should apologise..." you muttered.

|~| Timeskip brought to you by Zote Soap. |~|

You sat on the bench in Dirtmouth, rather stressed. Luckily, Elder Bug noticed your stressed state of mind, "are you alright dear?" Elder Bug asked, sitting beside you. You buried your face in your hands, "well...I made someone named Zote upset because I was being cocky." She muttered shakily, Elder Bug gently rubbed your back, "sometimes we make mistakes, you the most kindhearted bug I've ever met, and even the kindest of people can mess up like this, it's just apart of life, mistakes can be undone, some can't." Elder Bug explained, making you bury your face deeper within your hands.

"I feel like a jerk..." you muttered, Elder Bug breathed, "nonsense! Everyone else has at least dons this before, it's inevitable, unavoidable. Though it can be fixed by an apology, though I imagine apologising to Zote will be a hard task..." Elder Bug muttered, though you were still sadly quiet. Elder Bug sighed, "c'mere..." He muttered, gently pulling you into a hug.

You felt at ease when Elder Bug was around, he was always willing to listen to your troubles, without him, you had no idea how you would deal with your inner demons. You pulled away from the hug, smiling, "thank you, Elder Bug." You thanked, Elder Hug returned your smile, "don't mention it." He replied.

You noticed Zote at the corner of your eye, he appeared upset? A twist formed in your throat, "I- I'll go and apologise, hopefully he'll forgive me..." you muttered, Elder Bug waved, "bet of wishes, (Y/N)!" Elder Bug called to you as you walked off. You approached Zote, sitting beside him. Zote growled, "oh? What do you want?" He demanded furiously, "I'm sorry, Zote. About earlier..." you muttered solemnly, then Zote's eyebrows lifted at your words, "your sorry?" He repeated, somewhat in disbelief.

You nodded, bringing your knees to your chin, burying your face into your legs, "I...I...I never meant to upset you...I never wanted to u-upset you...I w-w-was worried...a-and that's why I m-made fun of you..." you muttered shakily, as if you were about to cry from guilt. Zote looked at you in disbelief, Zote was never kindhearted, nor supportive, but him seeing you like this...

"H-hey..." Zote muttered in a low voice, gently rubbing your back as your eyes swelled with tears. You lifted your head up, tears escaping your eyes. Zote blushed slightly, now that he had a better view of your face, "I'm sorry about being so snarky earlier, and you were right. This little Nail won't do me any good..." he muttered, looking back up at you.

"May I know your name?" Zote asked, you wiped your tears as you sniffed, "(Y/N)..." you replied, your eyes looking everywhere else, but Zote's face. You felt a hand gently cup your cheek, you solemnly leaned into Zote's palm as he smiled slightly, "apology accepted." Zote spoke in a softer voice than usual, as if he truly cared about you, "really?" You replied, lifting your head up from Zote's palm, "yes...I've considered it, but your lucky I forgave you this time!" Zote joked, elbowing you gently, you giggled.

You budged closer to Zote as you gently hugged him, you didn't know whether he would like a hug, though you hugged him anyway. Zote stiffened up at your sudden gesture, then he let out a light sigh, returning the hug. You and Zote leaned on the wall of a building as you two snuggled eachother slightly, especially Zote.

A VengeFly appeared behind Zote, you slipped out your Nail before stabbing it, throwing it away without Zote noticing. You put your Nail to one side as Zote hugged you tightly, you smiled, "friends?" You asked timidly, pulling away. Zote froze slightly before smiling, "friends." He replied, gently gripping your hands.


Eh, Tbh I think Zote has a tragic Backstory soo...

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