The Boy From The Bakery

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Again, just wanted to move this from Quotev to Wattpad, and it's my second Fanfic so don't yell at me! Lol 

“Louis?” Eleanor asked from her perch on my couch.

“Yea, babe?” I asked, flipping through an old catalogue.

“Can you go get me some scones for tomorrow? I think they sell them at the bakery down the street, I need them for when your family comes over,” she says, her eyes never leaving the TV.

“Sure thing,” I tell her and get up to leave. I kiss her on the cheek and she smiles, looking up into my eyes. I smile back, this warm feeling sputtering inside me.

Eleanor and I had been dating for the past year or so, and whenever I was near her, I felt so warm and happy inside. Fuzzy even.

I pulled a coat over my shoulders and started the cold trek down to the bakery. It had just opened last week, normally I would have had walked two miles to the nearest one, but now I could walk there in just about three minutes. I really hoped they were selling some warm tea too, my hands were like blocks and the freezing wind wasn’t much help.  I wished I had thought to brought some gloves or something, and by the time I stepped into the warm bakery, my hair was tousled, my cheeks flushed, and eyes bright.

The bakery was set up more like a café really. I wondered if Eleanor would like it since she liked Starbucks so much. I walked to the counter, leaning against it as I browsed all the brownies, cookies, cakes, scones, and breads. I couldn’t believe there were so many different kinds. They all looked so delicious, and I spotted a coffee machine to my left. It was the good kind, not the crappy one like where I worked as a Drama teacher at a fairly new high school. I had just finished college.

The smell was overpowering me and soon I figured I would also buy a cupcake for me to eat on the way back, and a warm cup of coffee to drink since I knew my hands would fall off if I didn't get something to warm them. I was starting to get annoyed with impatience when a boy walked out.

He had just come from the kitchen, his mouth curved into a big grin and eyes bright like he had just finished laughing really hard. He had dimples on each of his cheeks and curls that made my breathing catch. He was a little bit taller than me, a bigger build definitely. He had a hood pulled up over most of his curls, so I just saw slight fringe. His eyes were a deep emerald green, and I almost didn’t hear him speak when he did. I was too busy admiring his beautiful face. 

“Huh?” I asked, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't understand what had just happened. I had felt so happy and full as he was smiling at me, and now that he was just slightly grinning in a crooked way my insides were buzzing. I couldn’t understand though, why I felt like this. I got this mysterious and almost dangerous vibe, though he looked like just a charming boy that worked in a bakery. And I wanted to know all about him.

“Can I help you?” he repeated. His green eyes were roaming my face, and his mouth hung open slightly for a moment and then he shut it quickly and smiled cheekily at me. I wondered if he knew what he was doing. What was he doing?

“Erm, yea. Just a bag of scones please, assorted. And a cupcake please,” I added, remembering what I had been thinking before he had come out and knocked the wind out of me.

“Coming right up,” he said, flashing me another smile. He went and got a plastic bag from behind the counter. He took out a thin sheet of paper and began taking random scones from the display case, wrapping them nicely and then placing them carefully inside. His hands were quiet big, but he handled the food with such care I couldn’t see him using them for anything dangerous or remotely mean.

He looked at me again, and something inside me glowed and buzzed. I felt all weird inside, different than I had ever felt when I was with Eleanor. Eleanor……. I shook my head. What was going on?

“What type of cupcake do you want, sir?” he asked and I giggled without meaning to. His smile widened and this made me blush violently for whatever reason.

“Louis,” I said and he nodded.

“Well, what type of cupcake, Louis?” he asked again. I was slightly disappointed he hadn’t told me his name so I said, “What do you recommend………”

“Harry,” he said with a smile. “Honestly? This chocolate ones I just made are to die for if I do say so myself.”

“I’ll take one,” I said and then remember Eleanor. Did I have to get her one? I asked myself, almost with a whine. Yes, I told myself sternly. She’s your girlfriend. “And another. For my girlfriend,” I added at the end and my voice cracked a little. The boy’s-Harry’s-smile faltered for a moment but then he brought it back.

“Sure thing.” He wrapped up the cupcakes, a little less carefully I noticed, and then rolled up the bag. He told me the total and I handed him the money. He gave me a sort of half smile, and then turned and went back into the kitchen.

I drifted out the door, thinking of the boy, and then realized I had forgotten my coffee. Then I realized I was already halfway home. It was still bitterly cold, but whenever I thought of the boys sparkling green eyes and beautiful smile I flushed warmly. His eyes weren’t just green; they were melted emerald, mixed together with sunshine, and the poured into a beautiful pool. His smile was so radiant; it was like watching the sun come out after a long and rainy day. I thought of Eleanor again, but this time I just scowled at how drab she seemed compared to him, and then felt guilty. Why was I feeling this way?

All night I couldn’t stop thinking of Harry. 

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