episode 4

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The moment the principal exited the classroom, chaos ensued. The atmosphere was a blend of excitement, curiosity, and perhaps a hint of mischief. The class was disorganized, with students eagerly chatting and stealing glances at the mysterious new student, Drake. The girls, in particular, seemed captivated, their eyes filled with curiosity and seductive glances that left Drake feeling perplexed.

The classroom environment was buzzing with energy, desks and chairs shuffled around as students tried to get a better view of Drake. The air was thick with anticipation, and Drake couldn't escape the unwanted attention. Some bold girls ventured closer, touching him as if he were some kind of celebrity. Drake, visibly uncomfortable, brushed their hands off with disgust, regretting the decision not to wear his old mask. The principal's order to reveal his face had turned into an unintended spectacle.

Amidst the chaos, James observed from a distance, waiting for the girls to make their move on Drake. As the girls persisted in their attempts to get close, Drake struggled to fend them off. Eventually, he spotted James and swiftly made his way over, dropping his bag next to James's table.

"A dude, you couldn't even help," Drake smirked, teasing James for not intervening earlier. James, grinning, replied, "Sorry, man, I couldn't help it."

As the girls continued to swarm, James and Drake engaged in a discussion, strategizing on how to divert the attention and put an end to the unnecessary harassment. They shared jokes, laughed, and devised a plan to subtly discourage the persistent girls. Their camaraderie and banter helped create a shield around Drake, making it harder for the girls to approach.

Despite their efforts, a few strong-willed girls still attempted to disturb the duo. Their antics were halted by a teacher who called for orderliness, restoring some sense of discipline to the chaotic classroom. The fourth and fifth period lessons commenced, with Drake and James focusing on their studies, though some girls couldn't resist stealing glances at the enigmatic newcomer.

After the class ended, James and Drake decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch. Seated comfortably, they delved into another discussion. Drake, eager to know more about the school, turned to James and asked him to share some stories about their fellow students.

James delved into the tales of their fellow students, starting with Ario Buddy, You will get to know Ario very soon now, he is our class rep, that guy don't give a shit, dude the guy is also the cute genius of the class. He shared with Drake a vivid portrayal of Ario, highlighting not only his academic brilliance but also his loving and kind nature, Ario is a kind guy aswell. Despite Ario's exceptional abilities, James emphasized how Ario never seemed to care much about the attention he received. The classroom ambiance seemed to transform in the narrative, with Ario's presence creating a unique blend of admiration and awe.

As the storytelling continued, James smoothly shifted to Jasmine, a rockstar and dancer in the school. With animated enthusiasm, "You see jasmine, she is she is a freak man, whenever she is on stage, she give does bad guys a hard on due to her flexible body movement". James described how Jasmine ignited the school stage with her mesmerizing performances, proudly leading the T.R.M girls' crew. James conveyed the vibrant energy and undeniable talent that made Jasmine a standout figure in the school's vibrant arts scene. The atmosphere seemed to pulsate with the rhythm of Jasmine's performances, bringing the school's artistic side to life in James's narrative.

Finally, James turned his attention to Bams. There is this guy, his name is Bams man Bams is an intimidating student president. He painted a picture of Bams as a figure with an air of charm, coupled with a reputation for being a bully and having womanizing ways. The social dynamics of the school took on an intriguing layer as James narrated Bams's influence and notoriety. The tension in the cafeteria seemed to rise with each word, capturing the essence of Bams's complex persona.

Drake smirked, " wow, this school is going to be awesome, but who is that Ario, you said he's smart, and cute have I seen him?" I think you should have seen him today, he is our class rep, very smart guy, James replied.

Throughout the stories, James seamlessly wove humor and vivid details into each narrative, creating a lively and engaging atmosphere. Drake listened intently, hanging on to every word, as James provided a colorful introduction to the quirks and personalities of his new schoolmates. The cafeteria discussion became a captivating gateway for Drake to unravel the diverse and dynamic world that awaited him at Lake College.

James and Drake rushed their food, eager to explore the school's surroundings. James played the role of a tour guide, showcasing key landmarks such as the school library, basketball court, and other notable areas. The school premises unfolded before Drake's eyes as he absorbed the layout and details, strategizing how to navigate without drawing too much attention.

Drake, with his aversion to crowded environments, devised a plan to avoid being noticed. As the break ended, he waited for a teacher to enter the class before making his entrance, attempting to maintain a low profile. The next three periods proved somewhat boring for Drake, perhaps due to the overwhelming nature of his first day in the new school.

As the closing time bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Drake wasted no time in shouting for James to avoid embarrassment. However, James seemed sluggish due to the commotion caused by other students. Despite this, Drake managed to hasten him up with the excuse that his mum would soon be back from work, and he had tasks to attend to at home.

Drake and James headed home, engaged in lively conversation about their day at school. Drake shared his frustration about the girls in the town, describing them as crazy for not controlling their emotions. James, with a laugh, explained that's just how things are in their town. Drake sarcastically suggested he needed to pray for better encounters the next day. They agreed to potentially meet in the evening.

Once home, Drake, alone, first freshened up and attempted to check the things that were done in school that day, but he found it difficult to focus. Feeling a bit cold, he decided to do some menial cleaning of the house, engaging in domestic chores to help his mum. After two hours of cleaning, he finally fell asleep.

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted Drake's nap. Reluctantly standing up to check, he realized it was James.

Being at home alone has always been a boring affair. With nothing to do, I decided to take a nap. However, this tranquility was interrupted by a sudden knock. Curious, I rose to answer the door, and to my surprise, it was James. Opening the door, I greeted him with a casual "hey James." Responding in kind, he queried about our plans, suggesting we might go out again. I hesitated, revealing that I was simply exhausted from the day's schoolwork. Despite James' surprised expression, he probed further, sensing there might be more beneath the surface. I dismissed it, stating that nothing much was bothering me, except for the constant memories of my past that the girls at school kept triggering. James, emotionally stirred, tried to delve deeper, but I maintained a nonchalant demeanor, seemingly indifferent to the impact of my past.


Feeling emotional at what Drake was expressing, I recognized the need to uplift his spirits. "Hey guy, can we play some video games?" I suggested, attempting to provide a distraction. Drake, in response, nonchalantly agreed with a casual "sure, guy." Our time was spent engrossed in video games, a temporary escape from the complexities of our lives. As evening approached, I made the decision to leave Drake's company, citing personal tasks that needed attention.

Now I was alone at home once again. I went to use his laptop. In my mind, only God knows my fate in school tomorrow, tired of these bullshits happening around me. Not quite long I heard the honk of my mum's car outside; I opened the window, and it was getting dark. I couldn't get a clear view of who was outside.


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