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"Ms. Brooklyn, in the flesh? Am I seeing this right?"

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at the woman's words. You turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "I believe I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," you said, letting out a forced smile. You hated getting recognized in public, perhaps it was because you were afraid your boyfriends fans would start hating you more. 

She chuckled, shaking her head. "You don't, but I do. Anyone who watched the race would know what the winner was wearing, and would wonder where they went to right after." She explained, a small smirk playing on those glossy red lips of hers. "Anyone would be wondering why Ms. Brooklyn wasn't at her own party.

You scoffed, a small smile playing on your lips as well. "It wasn't my party," you said, playing with the shot glass in your hand. "Not rightfully so, of course." You added, shaking your head and, again, trying not to roll your eyes. Not at her, no, but at her words. 

But, just as she was about to speak, another woman interrupted her. She, too, had short hair, but much shorter, and instead of black, it was brown. From her outfit, you could just tell that she was a lot more masculine. "Ada, that's enough." Ah, that's why she was so familiar to you. 

Ada Wong, a very popular model, known all around the globe. 

The woman, who was now revealed as Ada, shook her head and chuckled. "Calm down, Jill. It's just a small, playful banter, is it not?" She said, a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms. Both you and the other woman, Jill, shook your head at the same time. "Plus, she's quite cute." She whispered, in which only Jill heard. 

"Just-" Jill sighed, shaking her head at Ada's words. "Just don't cause too much trouble for her, yeah?" She said, raising an eyebrow at Ada and then looking at you. For about five seconds, you and Jill held that eye contact. Well, that was, until she winked at you and smirked. Again, she turned to Ada, her face changing to a more stern one. "I'll be with the others."

Ada rolled her eyes as Jill walked away, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. You sighed, shaking your head and turning to the almost empty shot glass you had in your hands. "If I didn't know better, Ms. Wong, I'd say you're wasting quite valuable time with me." You said, not bothering to look and her and trying to predict her next words.

Well, whatever you predicted was wrong. Very wrong, in fact. Because she didn't say anything, instead just walking over to where you sat and grabbing the stool next to you, a small smirk on her face as she looked at you. You piqued her interest, and that much is obvious to her friends that were waiting for her. 

"Well, for one, I don't think I'd be wasting time." Ada winked at you, a small huff of amusement escaping her lips. "Plus, I'd like to get to know the famous Ms. Brooklyn, you know. In fact, many of my friends do." She added, before telling the bartender she would have the same drink you would had.

"Enough of Ms. Brooklyn," you waved your hand, cringing at the name given to you by the people who don't even know you. "Please, just call me by my real name. I'm-" you froze, your eyes widening for a moment. What if she knew who you were? What if she was a huge fan of your boyfriend? What if she was going to start hating you like all his fans do?

"You are?" Ada's questioning and curious voice was what drew you out of your train of negative thoughts. You shook your head, sighing. You shouldn't assumed the worst of people you've never met before, especially since she was willing to get to know you. 

And, for the first time in your life, you weren't scared to tell someone your name. 

So, that's what you did. You told Ada your name.

And, the best part?

She didn't even seem to know who the hell you were. And, for once, you were relieved that somebody didn't have a single clue who you were. It was as if time had stopped for you, no matter how cliché it was to say. And, not to be dramatic, but you were very, very close to crying in front of her. 

Ada repeated your name, not seeming to have a clue if she had heard it before. No matter, because she didn't think again before speaking. "Pretty name for a pretty girl," she flirted, winking at you once again. This caused you to huff out a breath of amusement, making her smirk turn into a more genuine smile. 

Looking at you once more, Ada knew she wanted to get to know you better. Even if it may seem like a lie, but this was just her first time flirting with a girl, especially one she deemed more beautiful than herself. It was unusual for her, and her friends would definitely question this unusual behavior of hers after.

"Very original of you, Ms. Wong." You said, finally turning to her and raising an eyebrow. You, too, had a smile on your lips, though it was less obvious than hers. "I can't tell you how many times I've heard that line before, you know." You teased, putting your shot glass down and just looking at her face. Though, not in a creepy way, of course.

Ada let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "Oh, I know." She said, smirking. "I mean, pretty girls like you would get to hear that all the time, no?" She smirked, the heel of her shoe softly nudging on your ankle. It was an action she did with men to seduce them most of the time, but, as much as she didn't want to admit it, it was quite different with you.

"Coming from a model, that's quite the compliment." You said, not seeming to be fazed at all. Though, you did seem amused, and you even played along with her. "You're quite the interesting one, Ms. Wong." You said, raising an eyebrow at her. You wanted to know more about her, and the feeling was quite mutual on her end. 

"I should be telling you that, Ms. Brooklyn." Ada countered, her smirk once again shifting into a more genuine smile. She liked this, a lot. She liked you, though she's not certain yet. 

Ada had always thought she was brought into the world for the sole purpose of being a model, being an icon of fashion, and being the woman in the posters that teenage boys have in their rooms. She rethinks that after every time well spent with her friends and with her most loved ones, and she tries to not think that way.

But, with you, there was no need to even think about her career. You seemed to know her, yes, but you weren't focusing on that. You didn't stutter or get shy around her when she walked over to you, and she reveled in that fact alone. And, hell, you even play along with her. She doesn't get that a lot, not from those nasty men that she got bored of.

And, even if Ada didn't even want to admit it to herself, she knew it. All too well, actually. And, her friends from right across the room could tell it themselves. Hell, even the bartender could sense it himself.

She was falling in love.

Falling in love with a stranger.

A beautiful stranger.

The best stranger she had ever met.

𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, resident evil (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now