12.2 | Sleepy

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"So you and the others didn't think to tell me?"

This was one of the rare times Kosair was truly mad and upset, his rage was always seen as something hot, fiery, like a fire that would everything in its wake, but this was much more terrifying, it was a cold type of emotion. She winced, feeling guilty, she could hear how disappointed he was.

She nodded slowly, trying to keep eye contact with him. There was this creeping feeling again, like from the past, she wanted to look away, to not see the disappointment, it was bad enough she had to hear it after all she didn't want to see it. But she couldn't she believed she made the right choice at the time, she respected Navier who didn't want that fact, that information about her husband getting a mistress spread and become a laughingstock.

"I'm hurt you kept this from me." he admitted. As much as he loved his sister, they were different. Navier was always more.. prim and proper, focused on etiquette, upholding their esteemed reputation and he was brash, impulsive, reckless and much more open with emotions. Y/n was always the middleman between them, she tried her best to keep the siblings both in the know, or at least informed especially with how busy they've been and away from each other.

So it hurts when Navier was in a difficult time and she didn't tell him. It hurts even more when Y/n agreed to keep it a secret.

"The Empress, Navier didn't hide it from you because she didn't think you should know or that you it had nothing to do with you." Y/n quickly said as if understanding his feeling, she probably did. Y/n always saw through him.

"She did it because she knew you, and she cared." Y/n almost chuckled but knew it wouldn't be appropriate to be amused now of all times due to nostalgia "If you had found out, you would have stormed the castle, yelled at sovieshu and humiliated him, maybe even attacked him or worse his mistress."

Kosair averted his eyes and sighs "We both know I would have done much worse, no need to sugarcoat it."

Y/n's lips almost formed a grin, she stood nervously in the small room that Kosair had taken in the inn. Kosair was more of a practical man, he also wanted to be close with his comrades hence he stayed near them and lived in the same conditions. It was one of his charms.

They both talked it out while standing, and she had been riding a horse and running and taking rides to just get here so she was very exhausted. But she tried to not let it show. Kosair seeing her fidgety form narrowed his eyes before realizing what was wrong.

He roughly pushed her on the bed causing her to fall on the comfort of the matress. "Geez if you wanted to sit or something you should have" he grumbled before heading to the wardrobe. "Well I couldn't just sit while you were mad at me!" She huffed sitting up as she started to discard her bags and weapons to be able to lay more comfortably.

Kosair glanced as she dropped numerous weapons on the floor. Her sword, a few knives hidden in her uniform, heck even a brass knuckle! If he were a stranger he'd be scared of her but he's known her since they were kids so honestly, it was more comforting than terrifying knowing that she felt safe enough with him to discard all her weapons completely.

"Still mad?" she asked curiously as the blond haired aristocrat was looking through his clothes, planning to change out of his training outfit that was starting to smell because of the sweat. "What if I am?" he sniffed, but both knew he was joking, he was just irritated now, his anger had quickly melt, never staying to long when it came to Y/n. She always did have a free pass when it came to him, lucky dumbass.

She laid down on the bed, taking in a deep breath only to have his scent enter her nostrils. Well of course she'd smell him all over the bed, it was his bed after all. It was quite warm, and soft and comfy and his smell was always comforting perhaps because of how long she had been with him and was used to his scent.

"Well.. of course i'd have ta' make it up to ya'" She said murmuring as her eyes started to close.

Kosair turned to find her drifting off to a peaceful slumber, he approached her form, as carefully and quiet as he could. Even if he had years of experience, and actually knew stealth. Even if his footsteps left no sound, he knew it would be different with Y/n. She was much more sensitive to sound.

He sat down next to Y/n, who was fortunately still asleep. The young blond sighed "geez" he was going to have her spar with him to make it up to him but cuddling works fine.

Y/n scrunched her nose "ugh.."

Of course after a shower.

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