Be true to yourself

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Okay so I'm not really great at writing this and all but all I want to explain is that no matter what happens,no matter how much you try to be perfect for someone it maybe never enough for them so don't ever change for people who don't value you.Dont ever degrade yourself no ones perfect but maybe you can be no one and be perfect and that's when you'll learn to be true to yourself

Don't listen to anyone who lets you down or takes your happiness away,Know what?People just say what they want to but the choice is yours if you listen to them or not.If you'll listen yes it'll hurt but if you love yourself enough to not believe people you'll be happy in life always..That I can guarantee.Dont think so much someone will always be better someone will be more beautiful,more creative more smart but the thing is they'll never be you.Appreciate who you are cause time never stopped for anyone nor will it for you just keep your head high and be proud of who and what you are.Not only will you be true to yourself but you'll find yourself being surrounded by people who'll actually be afraid of losing the real you.If you don't have your people in your life now someday those true friends will walk into the picture but to find them you'll have to be you because if they never know you for you then what's the use.

Don't ever in life first of all listen to people and secondly degrade yourself you'll only hurt yourself by doing that and no one deserves it.It'll change you forever.Always always remember you're complete final and happy just the way you are.
I know this is really random and doesn't make sense just don't let anyone's inability of being unable to see you for you let it ruin you or change you In anyway :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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