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Louis had taken the whole of December off work because he was tired and overworked and didn't really like his job as a car salesman, to be honest.

It was nice to have a long vacation but he hadn't even considered that everyone else was working or going to school, which meant that he spent the days by himself doing absolutely nothing.

The poop-formed gingerbread cookies had turned out great and he and Harry had been giggling the whole time they decorated them. Silly obviously, but life didn't have to be so fucking serious all the time.

He gave them to his sisters and they had a good laugh about it. They were hesitant to try them at first but as soon as they took a bite their faces turned into pleasant surprise.
"They're great!"

"Thanks to Harry." Louis chuckled.

"So, are you having fun? Tell us all about it. Is he nice?" Lottie asked.

"He's great and I have a lot of fun baking. Thank you for the present. Best one yet." Louis beamed.

"It will be hard to top it. You'll get socks and boxers from now on." Daisy joked.

"Well, you can never get too many of those." Louis replied.

Phoebe and Daisy smiled at him and left the kitchen after taking another gingerbread cookie. As soon as he was alone with Lottie she turned to him.
"I wanna hear more about Harry!" Lottie said.

"I don't know what you expect, Lotts. There's not more to it. He teaches me how to bake and we have fun doing it, or at least I have." Louis answered.

"That's great but do you like get a vibe for him?" Lottie pushed.

"I've only met him twice for a few hours. No, Charlotte, the infamous gay vibe isn't there." Louis snorted sarcastically.

"Sorry, I just thought you would be cute together." Lottie shrugged.

"Because looks is what's important." Louis snapped.

"No! That wasn't what I meant. God, Louis, stop being such a mood!" Lottie muttered.

"I'm sorry." Louis apologized and hugged her.

"I just want you to find someone. You have so much love to give and I want you to be happy." Lottie pouted.

"I am happy, Lottie. I don't need a man by meside to what..fulfill me?" Louis answered.

"Just fill you? Oh my god, I didn't just say that." Lottie said and clasped a hand over her mouth before she started to laugh hysterically.

Louis couldn't believe she just said that either. Lottie wasn't the one who usually told dirty jokes. He laughed in surprise.
"Honey, I'm a top."

"Eeew, too much information, Louis! I don't want to even think about you having sex. That's horrible!" Lottie said and grimaced.

"You started it!" Louis pointed out.

"Accidentally!" Lottie whined.

They looked at each other and laughed.

Daisy and Phoebe entered the kitchen.
"What's so funny?" Phoebe asked.

"Nothing." Louis answered.

"I wanna know too!" Daisy said.

"Just an inappropriate joke." Lottie chuckled.

"Tell us." Phoebe demanded.

Louis and Lottie looked at each other.
"No." They said simultaneously and burst out laughing again.

"Not fair!" Daisy pouted.

Baking In DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now