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It had only been half a day and Harry already missed Louis. He was pretty sure he was falling for him and that was both exciting and a little scary.

It had been pretty late when Louis went home last night and he only had a couple of hours of sleep before he got up at seven and got ready to hit the road but he didn't regret a second of it. Louis was a really good kisser and he really had to bite his tongue not to ask him to fuck him. It was better this way. They were taking it slow.

He left his apartment at a quarter to eight and arrived at his family home around ten. His mother came out on the porch and hugged him.
"Finally! I've missed you, sweetheart."

"I've missed you too, mum." Harry smiled.

She helped him get everything from the car. He hugged his stepdad Robin and his sister Gemma as soon as he walked inside the house.

His mum made tea and they sat down in the kitchen. Harry's phone buzzed so he picked it up and looked at it. It was Louis who texted him, making sure that he arrived safely. That was so sweet. He sent a quick reply to let him know that he was safe and sound.
"Look at that smile. Who's texting you?" His sister Gemma asked.

Harry looked up.
"I've met someone. Louis."

"That's great! Tell us about him." Gemma said.

Harry looked at his mother and she was smiling so he began to tell them about Louis and how they first met and before he knew it he had talked twenty minutes about him.
"He sounds lovely. I can't wait to meet him." His mother Anne said.

"We're not a couple." Harry replied.

"Yet. From the sound of it that won't be an issue much longer. I'm happy for you." Gemma smiled.

"I don't wanna skip ahead but I have a good feeling about it. He's really great. So sweet and funny and did I tell you about the carol singing we did? He sings amazingly!" Harry beamed.

"You're so gone for him." Gemma teased.

Harry stuck out his tongue at her. She wasn't wrong though.

He enjoyed spending time with his family. They ate dinner at his grandparents and he told them all about the bakery. His granny had been very supportive and pushed him to open it when he was unsure what to do. She had even shared a few secret family recipes with him, and he was happy to tell her that they were a customer favorite.

They played board games by the fireplace as tradition before they headed back home and drank hot chocolate and planned the Christmas dinner. Gemma told them about a guy she was seeing and Harry talked some more about Louis. It was silly but he already missed him.

He went to bed in his old room and stared at his phone for a while before he sent a good night text to Louis. He received an answer right away. He finally fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Baking In DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now