Hellboy and the Child of Woe

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Crunching leaves and heavy thuds could be heard through the forest as the last member of a pack of human killing trolls ran for its life. The troll had a similar build to a gorilla
however, it had no hair on it's body and grey, concrete like skin. It's face was withered and wrinkled. A large bulbous nose, a severe under bite revealing tusk like teeth and mossy green eyes held in it's skull.

A girl is walking through the halls of the school she attends, being avoided like a plague, other students parting around her like a sea of hormones. She arrives at her brother's locker. It is defaced with graffiti and something seems to be moving within it. Opening  the locker, the girl is met with her brother, tied and with a red apple stuck in his mouth.

The troll looks back as it runs, hoping beyond hope that it's hunter was not following. Satisfied that nothing was gaining behind it, the troll turned to face forward yet again, being met by a hard red stone like object colliding with its maw, knocking several teeth from it's gums and dislocating the left side of the troll's jaw. The troll was flung backwards into a thick tree trunk, it's thoughts were foggy as it tried to shake off the pain of the earthquake that just struck it. It's assailant adorned itself in a black shirt and leather combat pants. Boots covered the hooves of this creature. Upon it's head protrudes two crimson stumps from it's forehead. Black hair tied into a bun on the back of it's head. It wore a tan trench coat with a modified sleeve to house the large stone fist attached to it.

The girl could not get the names of the ones who did this from her brother, but upon making contact with him, the girl seized up as her head flung back. Her vision, an ability she had yet to master, told her that it was in fact the school's swimming team. It did not take her long to figure out the most fitting form of punishment. Only she was allowed to torment her brother.

It regained focus as it's assailant's crimson form swiftly approached it. Dodging another blow from the creature's stone fist, the strike breaking a chunk out of the tree itself. The troll seized it by the ankles, just below its hands being the concealed cloven hooves, before swinging the creature above it's head and slamming it onto the ground behind it before leaping over it's form, grabbing it by the shoulders and repeating the process, each time creating a small crater in the ground. On the third attempt, the stone hand shot forth, grabbing the troll by it's nose, crushing the cartilage with a sickening crack before swiftly pulling back, tearing the nose, and the surrounding skin from it's face. The troll wailed in agony, only stopping once it's hunter clubbed it in a back handed swing across the face with it's stone limb.

The girl made her way to the school's swimming pool, the team already in practice. Clasped in her hands were two clear bags of piranhas, something the swimming team should've taken note of before antagonizing her further. As the girl dropped the bags into the pool, the fear in the swimming team was primal as they swam as fast as they could to get out of the pool.

As the troll tried to find it's footing, the stone fist was brought down onto the top of it's head, rattling it's body as it was forced to the ground. Being kicked onto it's back, It felt a weight on it's chest as the assailant pressed his knee into it. As it's vision cleared, it was just enough for it to see the fury within the eyes of it's attacker. A punch from it's left hand, made of flesh and bone. Followed by the stone fist that had felled so many of it's kin already. Again and again the troll was struck, until at last the punches ceased with a final right hand, crushing it's left eye socket and shattering the jaw entirely. The red creature stood, looking down on the groaning troll, too weak to retaliate further. The demon reached to it's side, drawing a large revolver from it's holster. It aimed at the creature's head.

Only a few of the boys managed to get to safety. But one unfortunate soul was caught just as he got to the ladder. His screams of agony rang out through the swimming hall.

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