Round Two

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Hellboy had been in many situations involving hostages. It was very rare that he, himself was the one tied up. He sits before eight hooded figures, their robes a dark purple and what seemed to be a projector damn near blinding him for some reason. To his left sits Wednesday who is tied in the same fashion as he is as one of the hooded figures removes the bag covering her head. Hellboy tried to speak, but his words came out groggily, no doubt from the effects of the siren's song. "A-alrite y-yew sunza biches." He groaned as he attempted to stand, being stopped by the bindings around his elbows. He had to guess that these morons didn't know how to deal with the size of his stone wrist. "I'm gonna crack yer skulls if ya don't-"

"Silence!" The cloaked figure in front of him demanded, their voice was distorted. The only reason people do that is if they know that their voice is known. Well, that narrows it down at least. "Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" The same figure demanded.

"Yer uncle Billy Bob." Hellboy chuckled, still a little delirious, but his senses were coming back to him. Wednesday looked to the cloaked figures and pieced together their leader as soon as they spoke, breaking them out of their distain at Hellboy's crass remark.

"You can take the mask off, Bianca." And with that, the girl in question removed her hood with an annoyed huff as the rest of them did the same. Hellboy didn't recognize many of them, but among them was Xavier who stood closest to Wednesday. "Wait, I preferred you with it on." Wednesday quickly added. Hellboy could feel his strength returning as he regained feeling in his limbs.

"How did you two even get down here?" Xavier asked the pair.

"I asked around, it led me to Eddy outside. Thanks to Wednesday, you guys still have a functional door." Hellboy explained as he began to roll whatever part of his body that he could to get the blood flowing again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" A boy with a large bruise on the left side of his face asked. With a grunt, Hellboy stood to his full height as he pulled his arms apart, snapping the ropes as they fell to the floor behind him. Hellboy grinned at the boy's fear as he held up his stone fist, knuckles facing toward the boy.

"Take a guess." He said as he began stretching his limbs.

"Rowan showed me." Wednesday said cryptically, motioning with her eyes toward her jacket pocket. "Left pocket." She instructed Xavier. The boy in question reached into said pocket and removed the drawing done by Rowan. "I tracked the water mark to the Poe statue. Hellboy wanted to take the direct approach. I solved the riddle instead." She explained.

"Wait, there's a riddle?" Both Hellboy and the bruised boy said simultaneously. Hellboy noted at a closer glance that the boy was also a siren. "I thought we just snapped twice." The boy added, to which his friends shook their heads in shame of his oblivious admittance to idiocy.

"Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?" Wednesday asked sarcastically toward the boy before turning to Hellboy. "I thought you were better than this." She said with disapproval.

"Hey, I'm tired of the ring-around-a-rosie that is secret doors and hidden levers. The first few times it's kinda cool. After that? It's just annoying." He explained. Bianca interjected, wanting to get back on track.

"The Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite." Bianca explained as she faced the pair of intruders.

"I woulda thought it would come with a fancy fish bowl for you." Hellboy remarked, he didn't care much for status. But he still found it annoying when it was flaunted in his face.

"You're one to talk." Bianca snarked. "I would've imagined the sawdust in your cage would at least be good quality." She smirked. Hellboy growl slightly as he slowly made his way toward her, looming over her like a red omen of death

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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