Chapter 6 (past)

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~Back in the normal world~

(Warning: Weird shit ahead ig)

Y/n's best friends POV:

I was trying to reach Y/N since it was her birthday, but she didn't answer the phone.

Maybe she is just busy with something else, so I decided to call her later.


I tried calling her again and even sent her a message. None were noticed.

I received a message from one of the girls from our friend group.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who couldn't reach Y/N, which is strange since she always took time to talk to us.

I messaged them, and we agreed to go to her house, to wish her a happy birthday in person.


Arriving at Y/N's House, we rang the doorbell and waited. Nothing.

We exchanged glances with one another. And tried again.



That's odd.. Y/N said she had the day off college and planned on staying home since she didn't really have anything planned.

"What now?" One of my friends asked. I just shrugged.

"I mean, there isn't much we can do-" I was cut off.

"Hey, look! I found a spare key, hiden in the plant pot!"

"I don't think we should-" and again, I was interrupted, as they went up to the door, to open it.

They entered the house, but I hesitated since it was basically breaking and entering, or to make it clearer.. we were doing something illegal.

We started to look around the house and called out for our friend.

There was no response or trace of her.


We looked over to the pointed out scene in front of us..

Y/N's computer was on, and that was also connected with a VR headset that was just laying on the floor, alongside the controllers.

But what was more disturbing is that the necklace Y/N always wears, lied there too.

The group pictures of us, Y/N's face, was scribbled out with a red pen.

And her room looked like it was cleaned in a while...

"What happened..."

"I'm just as confused as you are.."

"We have to contact the police and find her! She can't just have.. disappeared.." the others nodded.


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