Chapter 1

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(nobody's POV)
The boy grew up mute.
When he was younger he had problems with his vocals that made him often speak very quietly or often not at all.
At some point he couldn't speak at all.
He later learn that he was mute.
That made things pretty hard for the dark haired boy, he had to grow up and live with it his whole life, and it was also hard not only because he grew up struggling on making friendships because he couldn't speak. He was also an easy target for bullying, he would get pushed around and picked on most of his childhood. High school wasn't exactly any better either as the bullies grew more physically violent and more aggressive.
Now the boy was in college, he felt like college was pretty chill, there were some jerks still but everything was okay after that. He actually made some friends while going, one of them had two friends, one of them wasn't much of a talker either which made Him feel happy to know there was someone like him.
He had a dorm which actually consisted on having a roommate, he never had one though and honestly he didn't really bother on having one.
He often had to buy things for himself but because he didn't want to bother his family he got a job as a baker in a small bakery nearby, the lady who owned the place was a bit cranky which kinda reminded the boy of his sick grandmother, yet the lady became nice after a while and they began getting close.

Miriam:Jake are you there?

(Jake's POV)

I was suddenly brought back to reality by Miriam, i realized i accidentally exaggerated with the icing and put too much on the cupcake.

Jake:Oh gosh, i'm so sorry

I use sign language to communicate with Miriam, she knew it so it was easier for us to talk.

Miriam:It's okay, mistakes can happen.

Jake:I'm sorry, i've been having a hard time lately.

Miriam:Is it about your grandmother dear?

I gently nodded, Miriam patted my back in comfort.

Miriam:Hey it's okay, i promise that she'll be alright. Why don't you go to the counter and help the customers and i take care of the cupcakes?

Jake:Alright i guess, thank you Miriam.

Miriam:No need to thank me dear.

I walked outside of the kitchen and went to the counter to get the pre-orders or hand the orders to the customer.
They often came to order cakes or pastries.
The first few customers were one mother and her little daughter, she was actually here often with her daughter and i actually got to know their names were Rosa Maria and Sofia, i liked their names, they came here to get two pastries for each other.
Next were a group of scout girls and their leaders, they came to grab some cookies, i found it strange. Weren't scouts the ones who would typically make the cookies?
After them there was a couple i've seen two times these weeks, apparently they were actually friends with Rosa Maria, they only got some made cupcakes and left.
I started to get bored, watching people outside the window, i grab a piece of paper and a pen and started randomly sketching stuff on it.
flowers, a tree, a dog, some stars, a fox.
I got so into the drawing that i didn't realize someone had entered and was infront of me, the person chuckled.

[???]:Nice drawing.

I immediately stand up, tossing away the paper and fixing my posture.
The man in front of me was staring confused, i honestly couldn't focusing because of how pretty the man looked, he had a teal eye color and black hair, he had a mask on and honestly looked way older than me at first for some reason. And god was he attractive, wait what?! Jake stop you just met the guy stop it.

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