Chapter 17

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(nobody's POV)
The next morning Jake woke up, the two were back in their apartment, he had one arm hanging from the side of the bed with Terrie nibbling on it.
Jake giggled and picked up Terrie, holding him up in the air.

Jake:Looks like someone woke up early today.

Terrie just stared at him silently, Jake knew that it meant he wanted breakfast.

Jake:Yeah i figured you were hungry, come on bud.

Jake got up along with Terrie, Tom wasn't in bed so he assumed he was at work, he placed down Terrie in front of his food bowl and placed the cat food inside, Terrie began to eat it's food while Jake went back to their bedroom to check what time it was, he picked it up from the side table and turned it on, it was still pretty early, but he noticed a message from his sibling Zariah, so he checked it out.

Zariah:Hey Jake, just wanted to know if you're coming over to our parent's house for Charlotte's birthday this weekend.

Shit, Jake had completely forgotten about his little sister's birthday, he really wanted to come but he didn't want to be anywhere near his parents after that, he thought about it for a moment.

Jake:I'll think about it

Zariah answered soon after.

Zariah:Is it about that thing of the antibiotics?

Jake:Yeah, don't get me wrong i really want to attend Charlotte's birthday party but i just don't know how i will be able to confront our parents about that.

Zariah:Jake it's okay, just think about it for now, you have all the time in the world.

Jake:Thank you Zariah.


Jake placed his phone back on the bedside table, he went back to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, i kept on thinking about it more, he hadn't seen Charlotte ever since he left for college, and the last memory he had with her wasn't very pleasant either.
It was storming and him and his mother had just argued over some stuff that were happening, he heard Charlotte crying in her room while he went to grab his stuff from his bedroom, just as he walked in to check on her Charlotte ran into his arms in tears.

Charlotte:Please don't goo! I don't want to be alone with mama, take me with you please!!

Jake's heart shattered at hearing his little sister crying, desperately begging for him to take her with him for how much she feared their mother, just by seeing how much she could see, it hurt him so much.
He planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her while Charlotte cried on his shoulder, she was just six years old yet she could see too much already.
Jake still felt terrible for leaving her parents, even if his siblings were there to take care of her he still felt like the worst older brother on the face of the planet, he knew how much Charlotte loved him, now she was gonna turn twelve years old by now.
He thought a bit more until he was sure he wanted to see her again, regardless of his parents being there he had to see her again.
(another timeskip).
(Tom's POV)
I just came back from my shift, they gave me the day off for today so i just went home, just as i entered i noticed Jake in the kitchen, he noticed me and smiled as he ran to me and gave me a tight hug.

Jake:Hey T, welcome back!

(! That's my hc !)

I found these nicknames we gave each other quite silly, i planted a kiss on his forehead.

Tom:Thanks J.

We sat down on the couch and talked about our day, we had fun recalling some things that happened yesterday night at the girl's wedding, for example Dan getting pretty wasted and almost knocking over the cake, the amounts of times Gabby and Ellie kissed ever since they got married, alll the drunk dancing and singing.. And also the bouquet incident, i wasn't so used to weddings, i had only seen such stuff in movies sometimes but i never understood this iconic thing of throwing the bouquet, and i keep thinking about what Dan had told us, sure he sober so he probably didn't mean it but were me and Jake really supposed to get married now?
I brushed those thoughts ofd though and went back to the conversation, just then i noticed how Jake's face turned serious i began to worry.

Tom:Is something wrong, are you okay Jake?

Jake:Not really, soon it's gonna be my little sister's birthday, i really want to attend but the problem is that my parents will be there, and they will pamper me with questions about why i blocked them and about the antibiotics..

Oh, that made sense, i pulled him into a hug as i stoke his back.

Tom:Listen, i know you're upset at your parents but i don't think you should be letting that stop you from going to see your sister.

Jake:But i'm scared on what they'll say, especially my mother, she'll be enraged once she sees me there.

Tom:I'm so sorry, maybe if you want i could come along with you to help you out?

Jake:That would be so sweet of you Tom, but are you sure you will be fine with meeting my parents for the first time? They aren't exactly the best.

I laughed.

Tom:I'm just glad You never met mine, i guess both our parents are assholes.

Jake laughed, i liked it when he was laughing, it was something i never heard before when i met him, of course because he was mute, but now i just really don't want him to ever stop even snickering at anything, i just want to hear that joyful laugh a lot more.

Tom:But don't worry, it really won't bother me to be there, plus i am more eager in meeting your siblings instead! you told me they're good people at least right?

Jake:Yeah of course they are, they'll be very happy to meet you for the first time!

Tom:I'm glad!

(nobody's POV)
Tom was taking a shower in the bathroom while Jake was on the couch watching some tv, he thought it was best he told Zariah he was coming.
He picked up his phone and opened his dms with his sibling.

Jake:Hey Zariah, i am coming to the birthday party this weekend, just don't tell anyone, not even Charlotte.

He sent the message, after a bit Zariah responded to him.

Zariah:Alright, hope to see you there then, see you bro!

Jake:Me too, see you there Zane

(I'm exhausted of getting so many exams and presentations every week now RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH)

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