Chapter 2

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(Tom's POV)

I was assigned this dorm that apparently had someone already living in it, i knocked on the door to see if anyone was inside. After a few minutes someone opened the door and i was more than surprised to see the same boy from the bakery i met today.


The boy didn't answer me and just looked dumbfounded, i could see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Tom:I'm sorry if i'm disturbing you uh, are you my roommate perhaps?

He now had a confused look on his face, he didn't say anything and just let me inside, i don't know why he was so quiet, maybe he was shy or maybe he's mute?
I don't know if i should ask him, i don't want to sound rude afterall, i looked around the room, it was quite tidy if i'm honest, and yet the guy looked like he just got out of a fight with an angry cat and got drowned soon after(ref to a SPECIFIC AU of mine)
His hair was all wet, i assume he just got out of the shower and might've forgotten to dry his hair, he looks pretty with wet hair not gonna lie..
He grabbed a notebook and wrote something on it just like he did this morning.

"i'm surprised that i got a roommate, i wasn't even told about it?"

Tom:Didn't you get a letter or an email about it from the councilors? I'm sure they would've sent you a letter.

He looked surprised, then wrote something else.

"that explains it, i guess i forgot to check my mails recently"

Tom:Maybe, hey uh i'm sorry if it comes out as rude but are you mute?

He nodded and gave me a gentle smile, it looked adorable? Why is this guy so adorable.

Tom:Alright, well just know that i know sign language if you know it.

The guy smiled and placed the notebook on the desk, i saw it was full of books, notebooks, papers, sticky notes, pens and a laptop, was he working on something?
Then he turns back to me and starts using sign language.



Jake:Ah, i forgot to ask, what's your name by the way?

Tom:I'm Tom, and you?

Jake:Nice to meet you Tom, my name's Jake!

Tom:Nice to meet you too Jake!

He smiled once again, i smiled back to him, though it was hard to tell because of the mask of course.
I think he was working on something on his laptop, meanwhile i was laying on my bed reading a book.
After a while he closed the laptop, sat up and walked over to his bed and fell on it, he looked drained from exhaustion.

Tom:Are you okay?

He didn't respond, only then i realized that he fell asleep, i decided to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before heading to bed as well. It was pretty late too.
I went inside and closed the door shut, i then took off my mask and began to brush my teeth, i honestly wondered why did he look so stressed out, like he hasn't slept in weeks. I don't know what was going on but i felt sorry seeing him in these conditions, and yet he's still so bright and looks happy all the time, something's definitely wrong. I don't want to butt in his personal life of course i don't want to disturb him but i just feel like it has something to do with it.
After i was done i put my mask back on and unlocked the door, walking to my bed and sitting on it.
I lay down and drift off to sleep.
(the next morning)
   (nobody's POV)

Jake woke up from his phonealarm ringing, he was exhausted from everything that happened yesterday and he just wanted to drift back to sleep, he hesitantly got up and started to get ready for the day, he took his antibiotic and all his stuff and was about to head out when he decided to leave a note for Tom to say goodbye. He left the sticky note on the door and left.
When Tom woke up he began to get ready as well, he was surprised that Jake left early but later on he found the sticky note Jake left for him: "i have a presentation today and i have work to do, i won't be back for like 8 hours today, good luck! (^o^)
PS: if you want to eat something there's a café nearby, my friend Dan works there maybe you can go there! :D"
Well that explains everything from yesterday. Tom walks out and starts heading to the café.
(Jake's POV)

So the presentation went well i suppose, i could only tell it through sign language which was getting me nervous as hell, but i guess i managed to get through it?
My phone suddenly buzzed, i grabbed it to check what it was and i got a message from Gabby.

Gabby:[insert pic of her and Ellie with the ikea shark plush] WE BOUGHT MATCHING ONES AAAAAHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!

Jake:I feel so excluded, first Dan and Drew getting matching ikea shark plushies, now you and Ellie and i have no one to do it with. >:((

Gabby:L bozo >:3

Gabby:I'm sorry i didn't mean it lol.

Jake:It's okay i'm not even upset lol.

Gabby:Btw how was the presentation.

Jake:Tbh it was shit.

Gabby:Oh i'm sorry to hear! D:

Jake:It's fine i expected that to happen anyways :')

Gabby:Don't say that. Stop looking down on yourself >:c

Jake:Make me. >:P

Gabby: You just wait till i put my hands on you :)




(nobody's POV)

Jake was about to get to work when he got a videocall from his brother Shawn, he answered and saw his brother looking like he was crying. Jake began to worry.
That's when Shawn threw the bombshell that their grandmother had just passed away. Jake immediately closed the call and dropped to his knees, he began to cry, his grandmother was the only one who understood him and cared about him, he really cared about her and now she's gone. He got back up and ran off.
He arrived at his dorm and collapsed on the floor crying after locking himself inside the bathroom.
After a while he heard a knock coming from outside the bathroom.

Tom:Jake are you in here?

Jake just stayed there still sobbing, after a few minutes he got back up and unlocked the door, seeing Jake in those conditions made Tom concerned. He just met the guy but it seems like he was going through a lot. Before he would say anything Jake hugged Tom, crying on his shoulder in despair. Tom didn't really know what to do, he wasn't that good on comforting people, he hugged him back and stroke his hair to try and comfort him.

Tom:Jake what happened?

Jake wouldn't answer, he broke the hug to try and speak to Tom but he couldn't he do a single gesture, his hands were shaking and his eyes were all red and puffy.
After a while of comforting Jake finally calmed down and managed to explain what happened to Tom.

Tom:Jake.. I'm so sorry to hear that, you don't deserve to be going through that.

Jake:i still can't believe that she's gone for good.

Tom:.. Jake listen, i know it's strange since we've only known each other for like three days, but if you need to talk about it i'm always here to help you.

Tom laid a hand on Jake's shoulder, Jake smiled softly and gave Tom a hug, Tom wasn't really used to hugs but they felt nice, especially from Jake.
Just then someone burst into the room, causing the two guys to get startled.


(that's it byebye :3)

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