Chapter 3

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(Gabby's POV)

I burst into Jake's dorm, i was gonna teach that little bastard to stop looking down on himself.
Yet when i ran in i saw something i didn't really expect.
Jake was sitting on his bed, a weird ninja looking dude next to him, his eyes looked red and puffy.. Was he crying!?

Gabby:Hey hey, what happened!?

I walked towards them and sat next Jake on the bed, cupping his face and looking at him to see more clearly if he was crying.
Oh gosh, he looks just like when he found out his ex was cheating on him. Poor thing.

Gabby:Jake what happened to you?

Jake:Shawn called me earlier.. Grandma's dead

Oh, well that explains it, i pulled him in a tight hug and he gently sobbed on my shoulder.

Gabby:I'm so sorry, hey listen, why don't you take a day off from work? Maybe we can go and hang out at the park or get a milkshake to try and make you feel better?

He let go of me and smiled, he nodded his head and turned to the other dude. Did he know him?

Jake:Hey Tom, do you want to come along?

Tom:Oh sure, if you want me to come then alright!

His name was Tom? I was really confused, was he Jake's roommate? He never mentioned him.

Jake:Ah i almost forgot, Gabby this is Tom he's my roommate!

Gabby:Well i guess i figured. Anywaysss nice to meet you Tom!

Tom:Nice to meet you too Gabby right?

Gabby:Mhm! Sooo you wanna go or maybe later?

Jake:Yeah sure i guess.

We got up and got out of the dorm and headed outside, we walked out towards Ellie's car, she was inside waiting for me. She was surprised when she saw Jake and Tom.

Ellie:Hey! Who's that dude? Also what happened with Jake? he looks terrible.

Gabby:Well this is Tom, he's Jake's roommate! And well about Jake uh..

I looked at Jake to make sure he was okay with me telling Ellie about it, he noticed and nodded.
I walked over to Ellie and whispered to her what happened, she looked concerned soon after.

Ellie:Oh, i'm so sorry for your loss Jake..

Jake:it's fine i guess..

The Tom dude was rubbing his back in comfort, i noticed Jake blushing and smiling at him, did he like him? to be honest they looked like they were gay for each other anyway. I'm not the type to assume things buttt if it comes to fruit bowls then i can clearly see one. I'm one myself anyway.
(Jake's POV)

We went to a Café and got some milkshakes. And well we were having a great time, chatting and joking around while walking down the park, but yet i still felt very bumped about my grandma.
I guess Tom noticed as he put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me concerned. My frown immediately turned into a soft smile but i guess he could see that i was still upset.

Tom:Jake if you feel upset we could go back to the dorm and you can get some rest.

Jake:No it's fine really, i'm alright.

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