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    The dinner party came and went with little excitement. Still, Andromeda travelled daily to teach Octavia. She was glad to see Bellamy each day and was grateful for the attentive care he gave her. He doted on her but gave her enough space to process everything. Her mother insisted she see a therapist to work through the trauma that still ate her up most days. Though the words always seemed stuck in her throat, she benefited from it. Each time she spoke about experience, the burden was alleviated. She knew that her attacker had been floated, Bellamy assured her. Although she didn't wish death on anyone, she was relieved that she wouldn't have to see him ever again. The assurance helped her become brave again, even just a little bit. She felt more comfortable walking through the hallways now and did so often.

    Tonight, was another dance, the Unity Day masquerade. Andromeda didn't want to go. She'd decided, on that night, that she would never attend another one, but this time was different. Bellamy was assigned guard duty, and he was allowing Octavia to attend. She was shocked to silence when Octavia told her about it. She was well aware that her best friend longed to leave the room she'd been confined to her entire life, but she couldn't imagine Bellamy allowing anything that could put her in any danger. Andromeda was nervous for her, desperately so. She was so afraid that everything would go wrong again and this time it would be so much worse. The fate of the entire Blake family lingered antagonistically in her mind, but it did not deter her. Octavia needed this sense of freedom even if it was brief. She needed to leave the bounds of the four walls that had always felt like they were closing in on her.

    Andromeda was determined to ensure that her best friend had the most fun possible, so she gathered all the supplies she thought she'd need. She waited patiently for the tell-tale sign of Bellamy's arrival: three stern knocks to the middle of the door. When they came, she opened it and wrapped Bellamy in the biggest hug she could muster. She knew he'd be nervous. He melted into the hug, thankful for the comfort. There was nothing he needed more in the moment. With her, Andromeda brought solace. He was buzzing with anxiety. The fears built up to a daunting level and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep it together much longer. Ideally, Octavia would never leave the room so that she would never be discovered. He couldn't do that to her, though. He saw how desperate she was to leave their room and he wouldn't let her suffer any longer. This was possibly the only chance he'd have to allow her this freedom. He wished she'd have everything she ever wanted, and it plagued him that he couldn't give it to her. Tonight, he would do his best to make his sister happy.

    Bellamy led Andromeda down the hallways quickly. He was in the middle of his shift and had risked a scolding to ensure she didn't have to walk alone. He had already been late a few times to warn his mother of upcoming cabin checks, so he couldn't afford any more trouble. A demotion would devastate his entire family. He must've been too lost in thought, walking too quickly, because Andromeda asked him to slow down.

    "Short legs, Bell. Give me a chance to keep up," she huffed.

    "Sorry, princess," he stopped and waited for her to catch up.

    She caught up to him and linked their hands before asking, "why such a hurry?"

    "I have to get back to duty. Took a break to walk with you," he responded as they reached the Blake quarters.

    "Sorry to give you extra work," she spoke shyly, refusing to make eye contact with him. She felt guilty, again, for adding more worries to his already overflowing plate.

     Bellamy could not stand her avoidance. He wasn't sure why she was apologizing, and he didn't like her so timid around him. He needed her eyes on him again.

    "Give me your eyes, Andromeda," he coaxed. She obeyed and he continued, "no sorries, princess. Walking with you is not a burden."

    He didn't mind assuring her every day that she was not a burden and that spending time with her wasn't a job. He would walk across the entire Ark ten times a day if he got to see her at the end of it. Still, Andromeda felt guilty. She reached forward and fiddled nervously with the bottom hem of his shirt.

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