chapter 14

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( Jimin POV )

Yeonjun left said and left

THG " I've something to say "

J.M " what is it

THG " actually in Korea a guy had proposed me and he's kind of cute I thought to go on a date with him, what do you think about it "

J.M " I won't approve this . "

Taehyung whine .

THG " come on Jimin , he's good ."

J.M " nope you will not date him . "

THG " Jimin he's amazing person really . Just meet him once "

J.M " wasn't your ex was also an amazing person at first . "

THG " that was the past Jimin , but you can meet yi Jin he's good , "

J.M " do you love him ."

THG " no I thought to be his friend at first maybe afterward it'll turns into friends to lover . "

J.M " then you already know my answer . "

Taehyung whine I just walked of without saying anything you can call me possessive cause I'm for taehyung . I don't want him to get hurt like before . I want to protect him also he's my Only childhood friends we're like soulmates or you can say he's also my child .

I came to dinning hall where everyone was already sitting my eyes fall on Yoongi who was having emotionless face however his gaze was soft maybe I'm being hallucination wake up Jimin he's not yours now . He didn't took vow still so he's no one's someone inside me exclaimed, taking a deep breath .

I was about to sit when I felt a weight on back of me I was about to fall on dinning table though I manage to balance myself when taehyung spoke .

THG " Chim is angry . "

J.M " who I'm to be angry on you . "

THG " mean you're. "

J.M " get of tae . "

THG " no first say you aren't angry . "

J.M " my back is hurting . "

I can feel taehyung shook his head so I just exhale sharply .

J.M " I'm not angry now get of . "

Taehyung did as I said ,

Kai " who is he . "

J.M " ah , he's taehyung my friend . "

Taehyung give me side eyes and said .

THG " friend only ."

J.M " than should I call you my child ."

Taehyung roll his eyes so here is our sassy king .

THG " hello everyone my name is Kim taehyung and I'm director of JP entertainment . It's pleasure to meet you all . "

That's when I realize he's angry because I didn't call him soulmate .

J.M " tae , "

He walked toward Jungkook cause their was a empty seat beside him and spoke .

THG " hyy can we be friends actually I just broke up with my friend a while ago and I wanna move on fast .

I sigh at my dramatic soulmate and sat on my seat I felt someone's gaze on me I look at the direction and it was Yoongi . Perhaps I'm hallucinating to much today.

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