chapter 19

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( Jimin POV )

After leaving Yoongi's room I immediately made my way to taehyung's room and told him whatever had happened right now I'm laying down on bed and staring at ceiling , while recalling all the scenes, I was over above the moon when I felt his soft lips on mine for a moment I thought he feel same for me as I do for him however I didn't had idea this is what going to happen in the end , should consider it as a happy day or a broken one I chuckled to myself

I took a deep breath while staring still at the ceiling why she always come when I think everything is going to be okay don't I have right to live a peaceful life like others my negative thought's chain broke when taehyung spoke

THG "did you took your pills"

I lightly shook my head while my eyes were fixed on the ceiling taehyung handed me a glass of water and pill I slackly sat on the bed I was feeling gloomy, there was no tears in my eyes however I was feeling ocean inside me I was falling apart from inside I wasn't being able to do anything other then staring around blankly , I gulped down the pill .

THG " Jimin "

Taehyung call out softly while I just sigh .

J.M " I'm-I'm just so tired "

I again throw myself on bed exhaling deeply and I shut my eyes I heard taehyung sigh .

THG " I'm going to take a bath then we'll talk "

I didn't answered I heard his footsteps going farther , soon I don't know when I fall asleep .

( Taehyung POV )

I was feeling bad for Jimin in first experience of love he had to go through this much, I literally want to chop that grumpy cat into pieces how dare he can hurt my soulmate when I come out from bathroom after taking bath I saw he had slumber on my bed, I run toward my bed

THG " Jimin go to you room it's my room "

I shook him though he was sleeping soundlessly

THG " yahh , Jimin "

I whine however he was deep in to sleep I had walk all the way toward his room, when I was in jimin's room i throw my shirt somewhere , I'm not habitual to sleep with shirt on .I threw myself on jimin's bed while burring my face into pillow .

I heard door crack sound like someone walked in , the thought of it's being Jimin cross in my head so I didn't bother to look up .

THG " go away I'm not going to walked all way again. "

I yelled my voice muffled cause my face was buried into the pillow

" Wait, What're you doing in Jimin room ."

Wait it doesn't sound like it's jimin , he's Jungkook what is he doing in Jimin room in the middle of the night . Is Jungkook have feelings for Jimin . No no no

THG " I should asked you , what'RE you doing here in fucking 2am . "

I asked frowning , he caressed his nape while biting his lips, He was wearing his pajamas, his hair were messy, Still he was looking hot, God how perfect you made this man

JK " ac.. actually I ,. I was ... I had something to asked to jimin . "

He hesitate I frown my eyebrows staring him suspiciously . Jungkook nervously smile .

JK " by the way where is Jiminshii. "

THG " he's in my room . "

JK " why , I mean did you exchanged the rooms . "

THG " no way , even if I die I'll still won't exchange my room with his . "

I sigh as Jungkook made a 'O' face like am I kidding . Though the fun fact was that now I wasn't feeling sleepy after seeing him however I still don't know what he's doing here in the middle of the night .

THG " btw what you want to ask to jimin . "

JK " it's personal . "

I made a 'O' face . To be honest I was jealous a little cause perhaps he had came before also like This in jimin room . He's close to jimin . I want to be close to him like jimin .

THG " well , um .. you can talk to me if you want . "

JK " can I have trust on you . "

THG " um it's depends on you . "

JK " well than ...

Jungkook started to think a little while looking at ceiling and I was becoming more curious with each second what is he gonna say . I wish I could read his thoughts .

JK " I love someone. "

Jungkook said with a beautiful bunny smile his eyes were shining ,his bunny smile and shining eyes itself saying that he's really in love .

However unknowingly he broke my heart , I felt a sting in my heart if he wasn't there I would have cried my heart out . My heart start to feel suffocating even breathing was becoming hard for me . Still I pretend to be okay .

THG " really who is he/she"

JK " well it's he "

THG " Oh "

JK " I want to confess however I'm um .. scared what if he reject me . "

THG " to be honest no one can reject you, you're perfect in every way . "

JK " really "

I nod,

THG " you should go and confess him "

JK " I don't have courage "

THG " come on , you're Jeon Jungkook , well you can try to say it out loud infront of mirror and then confess to the person whom you love "

I said but each word had stabbed me in heart .

Jk " than should I try with you first . "

THG " huh

JK " I'll pretend you as him "

I hesitantly nod with a smile , he walk closer to me

JK " alright then , "

He took a deep breath while closing his eyes . He open his eyes while looking in my eyes sweetly .

JK "the day I had saw you was the best day of my life, I like the way you talk , I like when I say something to which you become shy and look down , I like when you laugh and act cute , I like it when you become angry on little things, I like when you do silly things I like it when your brown orbs looks into mine, I like everything about your existence and in frankly I love you "

I felt my eyes watery for few seconds I thought he saying those lines for me however I was kept repeating my mind these words aren't for me .

JK " I really do love you taehyung "

My breath hitch when he spilt my name did he really no he's just acting . I laugh nervously

THG " wow that was heartwarming look you did a great job now you can confess him without hesitation . "

JK " I just did "

He clarified looking right in my eyes softly only "huh " escaped from my mouth . I was confused what does he mean , am I the one whom he love .

JK " I love you Kim taehyung . "

He said and pressed his lips on mine I was to stunned to do anything he JUST SAID HE LOVES ME Oh My God he started to move his lips on mine while his hand was cupping my face, I kissed him back he bite my lower lips causing me to moan in between the kiss and I gladly response while opening my mouth for him, he slide his tongue inside and explore every corner of my mouth he hover above me while laying me down on the bed.

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