The trophy

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Luke, Zander, and Millie where I front of a decorated wall with Zander's mother taking a picture of the three as Zander held the trophy with a smug look on his face. "Ugh, Zander! We've taken a-million already! Can't I just show my mom now?" Millie whined. "Hold on! Let me get my good side." Zander said as he changed his pose.

Jake began to walk up to Sean and started a conversation with Hailey behind him. "So, you got enough to ask her out yet?" *Sean said with a Fake smug-ish smile on his face. "Oh! Ahaha! I- don't know, hahaha!" Jake said clearly flustered as he stuttered.

Hailey looked away with a sad tone on her face as she heard jakes words.

As Jake nervously giggled, Sean looked away as well. He knew he didn't like Daisy, especially since she had a girlfriend, so why was he jealous? If he didn't like Daisy, then who was he secretly jealous of.?

He didn't know. The thought of Jake hadn't even crossed his mind. Yet.

"Hey, Hailey! Catch!"

Millie yelled as she threw the trophy.

Sean yelled.

"Don't worry! I got it!"
Jake said as he ran off towards the flying object.

Sean admired jakes determination, and how athletic he was. He felt himself getting lost in the thought of Jake. "He's so.. pretty.. and his fluffy, peach blonde hair, his sparkly Brown eyes, his personality, his care, his voice, his name, the way he walks, and talks, Smiles... he's just..." Sean thought to himself as he soon zoned out. "He's.. Woah! Wait- what am I- sigh god, what am I thinking.?"

Sean catches a glance of  Jake, he was standing in front of a dark haired boy with Hailey beside him. Sean thought about heading home, as he seemed unwanted around him. After all, he didn't come back to talk to Sean after fetching the trophy, so what's the use anyways?

He grabbed his duffle bag and said his good byes to Millie, Zander, and Luke. The only three that weren't around Jake. He wasn't mad at Jake or anything, he just didn't want to bother him with his "annoyance" as his mother always said.

He hopped into his car, and closed the door behind him as he placed a pair of ear phones in his ears and turned on his favorite sad toned song, as he began to breathe heavily, "for whatever reason" and he felt like crying "over nothing" he drove off and held his tears back.

The lead singer. (Jean/Sake)Where stories live. Discover now