"Home sweet, Home." 🍑

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Sean pulled into his driveway, he sighed and took his ear phones out and placed them in his pocket.
He shut his car off, opened the door, Stepped out, closed the door, and locked his car.

He reluctantly walked up to his front porch and stuck a key threw the lock, he opened the front door to find his father passed out on the couch with about three half empty bottles around him.

Sean sighed as he stepped in, he was used to this. He closed the door behind him, and walked over to the couch as he grabbed a blanket and threw it over his father. He went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water. He sat down the the floor and lightly tapped his fathers shoulder.

"Ugh.." Sean's father groaned. "Hey, Kid." Sean's father said softly as he turned his head towards sean with a smile. "Hey, dad. Here, drink this." Sean said as he handed his father the glass of water. "Thanks kid." His father said as he sat up and took a few sips. "Awwh... my head.." His father groaned. "Shh, you need to rest dad." Sean said. "Alright, thanks Sean, you really know how to take care of me." He said before drinking more water and laying down. "I try." Sean said softly before heading up stairs.

Sean closes his bedroom door behind him and lays on his bed with a sigh. He closes his eyes with a distressed look on his face. "Ugh.. why did I leave so early.?" Sean said to himself. "Why do I miss him.." he said softly.

He then layer there thinking about you know who for a while, and then got up and got ready for bed. He then got out of the shower and got dressed before turning off the lights and laying down. But then, a small light from his phone went off followed by a small "Ding" sound.

He turned around and faced his night stand table. He tiredly reached his arm out and grabbed his phone. It was a message from Jake which said,

Jake 🍑>
<"Hey! I didn't get to say anything to you before you left, are you alright? I was where worried.">

S3an >
<"yup! Sorry, I should've said something before I left.">

Jake 🍑>
<"good, I'm glad you ok Sean. Tbh I kinda wanted to talk to you more.">

<"oh, I'm sorry :(">

Jake 🍑>
<"it's cool! You wanted to leave so I couldn't have stopped you.">

Sean smiled at jakes texts, he was happy that he knew that Jake missed him, it was "cute."

<"thanks for understanding Jake.">

Jake 🍑>
<"Ofc! You can tell me anything anytime!">

Sean sighed then smiled as a small blush appeared on his face.

Jake 🍑>
<"I gtg to bed now :( I'll see you tmr though!">

<"oh alright! Gn!">

Jake 🍑>

Sean turned his his phone off and closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep with a soft smile on his face.

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