Good morning

107 2 3

Vile/bad words.
One sided Drake.

Jake woke up in his bed with his blanket slightly untucked from his bed.
"Ugh..." Jake groaned as he sat up, a ding sound went off from his phone.

Jake picked his phone up and opened the message app to see a text from Sean which read:

<"morning Jake!">

Jake smiled at Sean's text. He found it cute how he always texted him that same text every morning.

Jake 🍑>
<"Gm! Did you sleep well?">

<"yeah! Did u?">

Jake 🍑>
<"yep! Are you going to practice today?">

<"I think so?">

Jake 🍑>
<"oh ok, I hope to see you there!">


Jake turned his phone off and sat up from his bed before making it.
After he made his bed he grabbed a pair of clean clothes, walked into his bathroom, and turned the shower on as he brushed his teeth.

He jumped into the shower and about 10 minutes later, he turned it off and dried himself. He got dressed, brushed his hair, and headed down stairs before putting his shoes on, saying goodbye to Milo and his mom, and left for school.

His house was close enough to school to walk there and back every morning/after noon.
Sometimes he would walk Milo to school, but that would only be when he was running late.
Most times he would walk with Drew to school, but that's in the past now.
He was feeling kinda lonely now that he didn't have someone to walk home without him, now he was alone every morning. So he decided that maybe he could text/call someone, or maybe watch a few videos? Right as he was about to text y'know who, he bumped into someone, with magenta slicked back hair, and deep brown eyes. Jake fell to the ground.

"Ugh.." Jake groaned as he placed a hand on his head. "Oh my gosh I'm so- wait, Jake?!" Drew said before looking down and realizing him and Jake bumped into one another. "I'm sorry did I- o-oh.." Jake said as he looked up. "*sigh* hey Drew..." Jake said as he lifted himself up and faced Drew. "Hey..." Drew said before losing eye contact. "Look, I should go-" "wait! Not yet!" Jake said before getting cut off by Drew. "I- I think you deserve an apology.." Drew said reluctantly. "Wait.. really.?!" Jake Jake said, clearly caught off guard by Drew's words. "Yes really, Jake. I realize now that I've kinda been, an ass whole." Drew said, still looking at the ground. "Do you think that, we could ever be friends again.? Drew said as he looked back up at Jake. Jake immediately hugged Drew. "Of course we can Drew." Jake said softly, as he lightly closed his eyes. Drew's eyes widened as Jake hugged him, his cheeks flushed slightly as his eyes softened and hugged him back, burying his face into jakes chest. "Thank you, Jake.."
"No problem Drew, I'm really glad you said something." "Yeah, me to.."

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