Christmas Special! (Ribbons & Bows)

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This does not Take place in the current Story.

Based off of the song Ribbons and Bows.
(The Kacy Show version)
I hope you enjoy!

Jake and milo where unpacking Christmas ornaments and placing them carefully on the branches, *Knock, Knock!* came from the front door. "Who's that?" Milo asked, looking up at Jake climbing on a small latter, "Oh! It's probably the club!" He said, a smile perking up as he leapt down from the latter and ran to the door. "Hey Guys!" Jake said as he opened the door, scanning his eyes and focusing on one particular person. "Hey Jake! Thanks for inviting us." Hailey said, "Yeah, this looks really nice." Luke said as he walked into the house, Zander and millie following behind. "Oh! No problem!" He Said, allowing the last of the members to enter. Before closing the door and locking it behind them. "Yeah, thanks a lot." Sean said, as he stood next to Jake, "Oh, no-No problem!" Jake said slightly nervously. Millie and Luke gave each other a look and a smirk. "Sean!" Milo yelled, running towards him and bear hugging him. "Oh! Hey man!" Sean said chuckling. "Milo, don't kill him with your smelly breath." Jake said with a low tone. "Hey!" Milo snapped back as everyone chuckled lightly. "Anyways, can you play among us with me Sean?" Milo said with glitter in his eyes. ".. I guess so?" Sean reluctantly agreed. "Yay! Come on!" He said, pulling Sean out of the room.

Jakes POV:

After Milo practically dragged Sean out of the room I thought, "I should probably go save him." I put my arms over each other before announcing, "I'll go with them, Milo may kill him if I don't." I said as I followed them up the stairs.  As I entered Milo's room, I saw Milo and Sean sitting next to each other, giggling and smiles filled the room. "Oh, Hey jake!" Sean said as he looked at me. "Hey, im just here to make sure Milo isn't killing you." I said nonchalantly, "Hey!" Milo said as he looked up at me with a playful smirk. "I'm just watching out for him." I teased back, as I sat down next to Sean. "Thanks." Sean said as he looked at me with a playful yet sweet smile, making me blush softly.

About 10 minutes later, The room filled with laughter and smiles. (Specifically Cute ones from Sean 💕)
Before mills bursted into the room and yelled, "Jake, Sean! Come downstairs we need to show you something!" She said, excitement evident in her voice. "Uh, ok?" I said, concern showing in my voice. "Just come on!" Millie insisted. "Alright, we're coming." Sean said as he sat up, with me following
Closely behind him.

As we went down stairs, Hailey pulled me towards her and Xander and Millie Pushed Sean in another room with Luke reluctantly following behind her. Hailey pushed me down to the ground and Xander pulled out a thick string of red ribbon. "Hey! What are you do-" I began, before Hailey took a string of ribbon and tied it around my mouth tightly, but the enough to hurt.  And before I knew it, my hands, arms, legs, my whole body was wrapped in Red ribbon.  The audacity! Am I right? "Mpf, mpf!" I huffed and puffed before raising my head up to see Millie and Luke Leading Sean with a bandanna tied around his eyes. "What's this all for?" Sean said, surprisingly calmly. But with a hint of concern in his voice. Millie slowly lifted his Blindfold, "... Jake," Sean said as his eyes met mine. "H, hey.?" I said, blushing from embarrassment.

Sean's POV:

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!! He is so cute! I wanna hug him, cuddle him, snuggle him, hold him, And kiss him!! He looks so adorable in the ribbon, and his soft but ever so slightly raspy voice when he says,

"H, hey.?"

Agh! This really cannot be happening! "He- hi!" Shit, I stuttered! So embarrassing.

"Haha! I guess we're both in a predicament."

Jake said as Millie, Luke, Hailey,  And Xander left the room. They left me, they (Sean?) left me alone with my Crush, in his house?! God, this can't (Sean?) get any worse.

"Uh, Sean? Could you untie me, please?"

Shit! How did I not untie him sooner!

"Oh! Yeah, haha! Sorry!" I said as lifted Jake up and began untying him, I leaned into him in a attempt to see where the ribbon was tied. I didn't even notice how close we where. My Neck was resting on his shoulder and my hands where wrapped around his hips as I untied him.  When I was done, I leaned back slightly, our eyes meeting once more.

"Hey.. Sean.."

Jake said, his voice shaky, but his face was red. "I'm so, so sorry!" I said as I began to step back.

"Wait! Don't go, please."

Jake said, his voice cute and soft. "Oh uh, sure? You want me to hold you again?" I said, my face flushed pink.

"Uh, yes, please."

Jake said before I stepped closer and put my hands on his hips. "Like, like this?"

"Uhm, yes please."

He said as he pressed my forehead against his, We both closed our eyes and leaned in. My Lips finally meeting his as he kissed back.

Word count: 910
That's all lol, it's really late so I'm going to bed. Gn.
Merry Christmas Eve!

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