Close Call

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Sooooo guess what.

Half of it is going to be Canada's POV :P

I'm also going to change the writing back to what it was before because I can't keep track or remember I changed it :(

It's something different and I have an idea. Leaving off from last chapter.

America POV

 Canada: So, did you see who? Who it was? The uh body?

Canada: It's okay. I do wonder who and how though.

Ame: me to..

I had just gotten a call, I picked up my phone to see who it was. It was Britain. So i pressed the call button.

Ame: yeah..?

Britain: Hello son! How are you?


Britain: Are you sure? You don't sound like it?

Ame: I'm just, yeah I'm fine. Did you need something?

Britain: Just checking up on you. Are you able to visit?

Ame: I can. Did something happen?

Britain: Nope! Everybody is ok?

Ame: Everyone there?

Britain: Yeah, France is baking New Zea & Aussie are in their room?

Ame: okay, don't go out too much. I think there's a killer or a wild beast around here. I'm going to visit since I can fly. Stay safe I'll be there in a second.

I hung up on him. There was no doubt there was a killer on the loose. I turned on my TV to look at the news.

News Guy: Today we have something important! There is a killer on the loose. He escaped from prison. Be careful. Moving on to the weather!

I shut it off. I knew it. Since I could fly and run fast I have to go check on my family.

Ame: Canada, stay here. I'm going to check on our family.

Canada: But what if you get hurt!?

Ame: Canada, I can fly and run fast. I'm good at dodging and everything remember? You can't come, I don't want YOU to get hurt. Stay inside. It's probably the thing that killed that person.

Canada: Just this once...

Ame: I'll be fine.

I walked over to the door. I got my shoes on and walked outside my dorm. I walked to the entrance then started flying. I don't think anyone can get me from here right? I was flying for a bit. When one of my wings started feeling wet and it hurt. I looked over to my wing to see a small knife stuck into it. Fuck. I landed hard on the ground. I got up and pulled the knife out of my wing. Well now I can't fly. But that means the killer's close. I looked around. Nobody. I started running to Britains house. Since I was going so fast my wing started stinging against the cold air. I held onto my wing while running. Fuck, that small knife did quite a bit of damage. I finally got to his house. I opened the door. Britain turning around quickly.

Britain: Oh! Your here! Are you..okay?

Ame: They are close.

I closed the door and let go of my wing.

Ame: Hide New Zea & Aussie. I don't know if they followed me here but they have weapons.

Britain: Oh my. I'll go hide them then get my gun.

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