Coming Soon...

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// Heya, I'm proud to announce that Gorillaz and Me will be continuing on for it's 8th part. Super happy for the new phase to be coming up and I couldn't wait so... Here's a little skit of what I've got lined up! Enjoy.//


"What the Hell happened to your hair?"

Murdoc asked as he gave a puzzled look.

"Nothing. What the Hell happened to your face? You're... Old."
I reply with a scoff. Banter as usual.

"Oy, fuck off ya little-"
Murdoc began but was cut short by Noodle embracing me tightly.

"We're so happy you could meet us here!!! あなたに会いたかった!!!"

"Y-Yeah... Yeah... I missed you too."
I stained for breath as she practically attempted to squeeze my insides out like a tube of toothpaste.

"So... Erm, where's the Cyborg at?"
Murdoc asked scratching his head.
"It's really unusual for you to have her away for... More than five seconds."

"She's on her way. She's probably still stuck at security. You know how how airport security is with their... Metal detectors."
I shrugged, knowing exactly where she was... But also not knowing. Shaking my thoughts from my head I look at everyone with a smile.
"So, who wants brunch? I'm starving. Are you lot hungry as well? Im hungry! TO THE FOOD COURT!"

I pointed to the nearest restaurant i could find in the airport. Anything to get out of having catch them up on every detail at Mum's. I was happy to be back with the band but... Something felt different. And I wasn't sure what. But for now food was the best last resort to take my mind off of everything, for now at least. We'll just have to wait and see.

(End of Preview)

//Note: Some things might change but I'll be consistent once the band starts back up again. Stay tuned. ✌//

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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