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The knock on the door drew my attention away from the sleeping cub irritated that he was getting disturbed when he needs rest so bad. Harvey widened his eyes and darted to the door when they started knocking again.

the chief of the village he looked scared to say something but stiffened up and spit out "i have heard you are hiding a female in your hut and not letting anyone near her you know very well the rules of the village every female needs at least two mates," 

i snarled stalking to the door "hes not hiding me i have no interest in your village" i glared at him Harvey chuckled "Shes being very territorial right now shes a new mother and she just got the cub to sleep." the chief froze in shock then stuttered "but the only cub sent is the one of that out cast cub whos mother has moved since leaving it" 

i practically roar "Mine" the cub had woke and was whimpering in fright the cub. the chief stepped back shocked Harvey started to growl eyes locked on the chief " she has wo mates the other went to get rice." the chief was backing away slowly apologizing to Harvey "sorry for having bothered you" then turned tail to run.

Harvey watched him like a hawk then closed the door.  i turned to and darted to the cub scooping him up into my arms "hush now you ok cub i wont let anything hurt you." his little watery eyes looked back at me clearly not believing me  i tucked him to my chest and hummed youll always have a place to call home a song my nana sang to my mom then me i have no idea who wrote it but it fits the moment to perfect even if hes not mine by blood hes mine now he stopped whimpering to stared wide eyed at me,

Harvey whispers after i stopped humming "that is so beautiful are you part of the mer tribes?" i snorted "hell no i don't even like fish."  he started laughing i mean i didn't mean to react like that cut really can you imagine the fish smell alone yuck i huff and head back to the bed with the cub i set him back in it hes barley awake the song had soothed him like i had hoped.

as i settled the cub Harvey fallowed close purring i gave him a side eye as he grinned at me the looked at the door bounced on the balls on his feet  "be right back in?" he left the hut" i have to say im surprised he left me in the hutright now after what just happened,

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