Scene 9

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(Scene fades to the next morning. King Chalcodon, Prince Gallus, Soranus, Cameo, and Khloe walk through the castle halls until they reach the tower room. The two guards stand at attention at the sight of them)

Soranus: Anything happen last night?

Guard #1: No, sir. Nobody came in or out.

Guard #2: Nothing at all. We were here all night.

Soranus: We'll see. Open it.

(Guard #2 nods and unlocks the door. The door opens and Soranus, Gallus, and the King look inside to see Ida standing in the room surrounded by towering piles of gold. Their eyes widen and everyone else gaps as Gallus grins at Ida)

Prince Gallus: (runs over to Ida, wraps his arms around her, and twirls her around as they laugh. They stop and look into each other's eyes lovingly) I knew you could do it.

King Chalcodon: My Gods! Amazing, incredible, phenomenal! Miss Ida, you've done it!

Cameo: Sweet mother of Zeus.

Khloe: Leaves me shook every time.

Soranus: Wha? Sh-she did it? But-but-but I-I... I... (faints as the guards rush to his aid)

(Ida and Gallus laugh before he falls to one knee)

Prince Gallus: Ida, will you be mine?

Ida: Yes, of course I will. On two conditions.

Prince Gallus: Whatever you want.

Ida: One, you ask my family for permission.

Prince Gallus: Of course. (turns to Cameo and Khloe, who smile and nod enthusiastically. He turns back to Ida) And two?

Ida: And two... I never have to see another spinning wheel ever again.

Prince Gallus: (laughs) You got it. (stands up straight. Ida then leans in and kisses Gallus full on the lips. They part and blush) Whoa.

Ida: (hushed) I can't believe I just did that. (grins)

Prince Gallus: (chuckles and pulls Ida close) I can.

King Chalcodon: Wonderful! We'll make the wedding arrangements at once! This is sure to be the celebration of the century!

Ida: Oh! (turns to the King) Before I forget, Your Majesty, there's something you should know.

King Chalcodon: And what's that, dear?

Ida: I suggest you take a look in Soranus' room. There's something in there that you just have to see.

Soranus: (sits up and regains consciousness) W-what?

(Scene cuts to Soranus' room. Everyone enters and Soranus is looking very anxious)

Soranus: I don't understand. What's all this about?

King Chalcodon: Hmmm, everything seems to be in order.

Ida: (glances in the direction of the curtain) Just a second. (walks over to the curtain and thrusts it open, revealing the hidden room of treasure. Everyone else gasps in shock)

King Chalcodon: (stares at the gold and jewels in shock. He slowly turns to Soranus) ...After all these years, and it's been YOU. You were the thief all along.

Soranus: (stutters incoherently, unable to find the correct words) Uh... taxi?

Ida: And that's not all, Your Majesty. What if I told you Soranus here was behind the Queen's death? AND that he's been planning on killing you and the Prince and using this money and more to take over the kingdom? (Soranus stares at her in shock while she gives a smug smile) ...A little bird told me everything.

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