Chapter 7 (past)

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~Back in the real world~

(This is basically the continuation from last chapter)

Y/N's Friends POV:

It's been a month now, and there is still no trace of Y/N.

The police said that they were doing their best to find her.

Even 5 local news stations reported her disappearance, so more people could help if they see her somewhere.

This whole search party has been going on for 3 weeks.. so basically, one week after we went to Y/N's House, and she never responded, any calls or messages.

We were worried sick, but her parents and sibling/s were the most upset about her disappearance. It truly was heartbreaking.

There were no traces of her what so ever.

It's like she just.. disappeared.


No, that's impossible. Crazy even...

But what if...

My thoughts were interrupted.

"Are you okay? You have been quiet for a while.."

"I'm fine, just thinking about some things."

They nodded.

"We should go. The next lesson will start soon."

We walked through the college halls, passing Y/N's locker.

I just hope she's okay..


Short chapter I know.

In the next chapter, everything will be back to the circus gang!


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