13| Entangled Fates

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In the dimly lit ambiance of Khyati's office, Rohan arrived there to discuss the situation. Rohan spoke, "Khyati, thank you for meeting. I believe this conversation is crucial for both Verma and Vyas families." Khyati, surprised but composed, "Of course, anything for a fellow professional. How may I assist you Rohan?"

Rohan, choosing his words carefully, "We've been investigating the roots of the Vyas-Verma feud, and surprisingly, it seems there's a third party involved, a shadow orchestrating events from behind the scenes." He, cautiously gauging Khyati's reaction, "It appears that both families, in their animosity, let this third party create a deeper rift between them. We need to uncover the truth and address the core issue." Khyati, intrigued, "A third party! I have been feeling the same way but what evidence do you have to support this claim?" Rohan, providing an overview of their recent discoveries, "We've traced certain actions and events that don't align with the direct conflict between the two families. It points to external influence, and we believe it's imperative for both families to work together to unveil the mastermind behind this feud."

He continued, steering the conversation towards the ongoing political dynamics, "Moreover, we've observed unusual activities within Vikram's party as well. There's a plan in motion to instigate a revolt against the Verma family and create chaos within our political sphere. We need to join forces to counteract these moves." Khyati, aware of the internal struggles within her own party, listened attentively.

Khyati spoke, carefully choosing words, "These are serious allegations and I too have my forces working for this. What solutions do you propose being from the Verma side?" Rohan, presenting his plan, "I suggest an alliance between the Vyas and Verma families, a personal union. Together, we can confront the third party orchestrating this feud and counteract the internal struggles within both the political spheres. It's an unconventional approach, but sometimes, unity is the key to unraveling intricate plots." He continued, acknowledging the complexity of the proposal, "We understand the gravity of this proposition. However, it might be the only way to break free from the clutches of the unseen puppeteer. What are your thoughts, Khyati?"

Khyati, after a moment of contemplation, "This is unprecedented, but considering the circumstances, it might be the only viable solution. However, I'll need to discuss this with my parents first." Rohan, sensing the hesitancy, encouraged her, "Take your time, Khyati. This decision requires careful consideration. But, I must emphasize the importance of maintaining confidentiality. We can't risk Vikram Vyas discovering our plan prematurely; it might lead to unforeseen consequences." Khyati, agreeing with caution, "I understand, Rohan. I'll keep this discreet until I discuss it with my parents. We need to tread carefully."

Rohan found himself at a crossroad, armed with critical information that could alter the course of Verma and Vyas families' fates. Their next challenge was to convey this revelation to Rajat Verma, the chief minister, and find a way to convince him of the impending threat. Vaishnavi, on the telephone line, "Rohan, we need to inform Chief Minister about the plan. He needs to be aware of the brewing storm within his own party." Rohan spoke, "Agreed, but convincing him won't be easy. We must tread carefully, Vaishnavi."

Vaishnavi instructed Rohan to approach the chief minister's personal secretary with the intelligence gathered, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Meanwhile, she planned to use her grandfather, Mohan Verma, as a key player in their strategy. After returning home, Vaishnavi sat in for a private meeting with Mohan Verma, her dadaji. She delicately informed him about the political plot against the Verma family and the alliance forming with the opposition party. His eyes reflected concern and fear for what might unfold. Vaishnavi said, "Dadaji, we need a plan. Something that can turn the tide in our favor."

Mohan Verma, with limited mobility, expressed a deep worry about the impending danger. Vaishnavi, determined to find a solution, proposed the idea of an alliance between the Verma and Vyas families. "Dadaji, we have to bring the Verma and Vyas families together against those plotting our downfall. It's our only chance." Mohan Verma's eyes betrayed a mix of fear and resolve. Vaishnavi sensed his unspoken thoughts and handed him an iPad. "Draw out your thoughts, Dadaji. Let's communicate through this."

Mohan Verma, with great effort, drew the letters 'V' and 'V' and 'M'. Vaishnavi puzzled over the meaning until her brother, Rohit, entered the room. Witnessing their dadaji writing something, Rohit became intrigued."What's going on, Dadaji? What are you trying to say?"  After seeing his dadaji's unusual activity, Rohit grew curious. As he deciphered the drawn letters, the conversation unfolded. "Is it first V for Vaishnavi Verma?" he questioned. Dadaji shook his head. "Then second V for Vishwanath Vyas?", he asked, but a negative response came. "So then is it Vikram Vyas?", he questioned. Dadaji nodded positively. Rohit, quick to grasp the message, asked, "Vaishnavi Verma and Vikram Vyas?" Dadaji nodded in agreement. Vaishnavi realising what her Dadaji meant, "Dadaji, we can't rush into such decisions. Let's focus on the current crisis first."

But her dadaji, insistent, touched Vaishnavi's forehead, a gesture symbolizing the application of sindoor. Rohit, witnessing this, couldn't believe his eyes. The unspoken message was clear – an alliance between Vaishnavi and Vikram. Vaishnavi, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, struggled to process the revelation. Her attempt to change the topic was futile as Rohit persisted in understanding the implications of his dadaji's silent communication. Rohit gasped upon understanding what he meant, "Dadaji wants you and Vikram to get married, Vaishnavi."

Vaishnavi, still reeling from the unexpected revelation and her dadaji's silent plea for an alliance, found herself standing at a crossroads. The weight of familial expectations, political machinations, and the unexplored territories of her heart pressed upon her. Rohit, sensing her inner turmoil, remained by her side, ready to navigate the tumultuous waters ahead. "Vaishnavi, what is happening? Why would your dadaji suggest such a thing? This alliance would change everything. What do you want to do?" Vaishnavi, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, struggled to find words. Vaishnavi, grappling with the unexpected revelation, chose her words carefully. "Rohit, it's as shocking to me as it is to you. I had no idea about my dadaji's feelings or his desire for an alliance between our families. I never imagined... Rohan told something about political alliances, not personal ones."

Rohit agreed remembering Rohan's words about the situation ,"True, but sometimes, the lines between the two get blurred. What's your heart saying?" Vaishnavi still in deep thought, "My heart is conflicted, Rohit. On one hand, I see the necessity of the alliance for political survival. On the other, it feels like an intrusion into personal spaces. But at the same time, I don't want to associate myself with a political ally." Rohit stood there, stunned and bewildered, as the implications of Mohan Verma's unspoken message hung in the air. 

Rohit, though still perplexed thinking what his dadaji told, nodded understandingly. Unbeknownst to him, Vaishnavi had, in fact, been deeply entrenched in the world of intelligence and political intricacies, she knew everything and everybody. While she portrayed herself as having distanced from politics, the truth was far from it. Vaishnavi had been working tirelessly in the shadows, gathering information, and ensuring her family's reputation remained untarnished. Being amidst the shadows were her refuge, her way of seeking justice for her grandfather's condition and Dev's untimely demise.

Vaishnavi's inner turmoil was masked by a calm exterior. She had always shouldered the burden of her family's honor, carrying the weight of secrets that, if exposed, could shatter the delicate balance they strived to maintain. The revelation of her dadaji's desire for an alliance and possibly a union between their families added another layer of complexity to her already intricate busy life.

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