Chapter 10

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Author Pov 

The day they thought was going to be good and everybody were going to be happy, was completely ruined. They all were in danger, within a second everything was wrong. The bullet which was fired directly pierced into Chimon, making him go limp in his lovers arm. It happened so quickly that they didn't even had time to react, luckily the bodyguard shot the man which he dodged and escaped but before he fired a bullet which into Dunk arm. "Dunkkk" "Monnn" Joong and Perth shouted in unison. The bodyguard which were called also came in time, they hurriedly rescued their boss and safely lead them towards the car. "Look for the man as soon as possible" Force ordered before getting into the car, Perth carried Chimon who was bleeding nonstop making them worried. Dunk who kept saying he is fine was carried by Joong whose face was really tensed up. "Joong I am fine, put me dow-" Dunk fainted due loss of blood. "Dunkk Dunkkk wake up damn ittt" Joong said "Joong its fine hmmm... he has fainted" Mom said soothing him. In the car everybody's heart was beating fast, thinking of the incident that had happen was making them have lot of thoughts. "Can't you fucking drive fast" Perth shouted making everybody snapped out of their thoughts, he was hella worried about the man lying in his arms. "Sorry sir but there is lot of traffic and also the hospital is very far from here" the driver said while focusing on the road. Even though Jimmy was checking him time to time, he couldn't stop worrying. "Please drive fast his condition is getting worse" Jimmy said checking Chimon's pulse. The tension was increasing time to time. "Phiii I think thats the man who was threatening us" Pond said taking Phuwin into his embrace. "Me too we seriously have to be more careful now" "We need a plan to catch that bastard" First said, hearing all this Jimmy quickly embraced Sea and said, "Don't go anywhere without me by your side, if you think of someone who is being suspicious tell me okayy" Sea confusedly nodded. He was worried that what if that message come true.

 They reached hospital, Perth and Joong got out quickly "Doctor, get the damn stretcher" Perth (It's their own hospital guysss richhh peoples) The doctor, he quickly analyzed the situation "Sir calm down, nurse get two stretcher quickly, godd there is lot of blood loss" Doctor said and took both of them to the OT. "Please sir you have to wait here" The nurse said dragging Joong out. "But-" "You come and sit here calm yourself both of you, we are all worried for them, but we should keep patient" Mix said scolding them. 

Perth Pov

It's all my fault, I couldn't protect him. I let that bastard lay hand of him. I can't think straight, I left the place to get some fresh air. Mon am sorry I couldn't protect I am sorry.

Joong Pov

I saw Perth leaving, I know the guilt he was going through as I was feeling the same. Please God keep them safe. 

Pond Pov 

Why everything is going so wrong. Who is that person behind my family. What if he does something to Phu? noo noo I can't afford to lose him.  

Author Pov 

After almost 2 Hours doctor came outside "Doctor how is he, he is fine right?" Book questioned as Perth was not there. "I can't say anything right now, he had lost a lot of blood when he came and now, he isn't responding to the treatment, we have to wait till wake up otherwise it will be impossible to save him. Perth who just came heard everything "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU LIKE THIS NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIM" he said while holding the doctor's collar. "Leave him Perth I said leave him" Earth said while trying to save the doctor who was nearly strangled. Perth leaved him and sat down on the bench while calming himself. "I am sorry on the behalf of him, But doctor he will be fine right" "Can't say anything now and the other patient Mr. Dunk he is fine and will wake up in 2 or 3 hours" Doctor said while taking his leave. "Perth listen lets go home please he will be fine hmmm you also need some rest" Mom said. "Noo mom you all go I want stay by Chimon side tonight" "You need rest Perth, Joong you also lets go home, they both are under care" Khao said. "No Phi Perth is right, we will stay" "Okk lets end the debate, both of you change your clothes as they are full of blood and after changing and eating come her, okay" Sea said. "But-" "No buts Perth, Sea is right, lets goo" Jimmy said dragging them towards the car. 

After reaching home

Perth and Joong quickly headed to their rooms to change. They all headed to change themselves. The mansion which was filled with happiness and laughter is quite and silent, it is even scary to walk in it.

"You know hia, I was scared when the shooting had happen, I thought that I'll die today" Sea said while folding the clothes. "Don't ever say things like this infront of me, Till I am alive nothing will happen to you" Jimmy said while kissing his forehead. 

"Earth??" Mix said checking in Earth's office, he was him sitting on the chair while having a tense face. "Earth, you came here directly after changing any problem?" Mix asked. "No Mix I am just- nothing, come here" Earth called Mix and made him sit on his lap. "I Love you" Mix blused "I love you too" 

After changing and eating Perth and Joong rushed to the hospital. They couldn't stay ata the mansion longer, they just want to see that their wife is safe and soung.

"Doctor, how is Chimon, why hasn't he wake up yet?" "I can't tell you anything right now, its on how he responds, if he does its good other wise I can't say"  After hearing what Doctor said Perth nodded and ran to Chimon's room. His heart broke as he saw his wife lying on the hospital bed. Blaming himself he sat on the chair near him and held his hand. "Mon why aren't you responding towards the treatment huhhh.... you don't want to stay with me, please Mon I am nothing without you, please" After pleading Chimon, Perth slept by his side. 

"Dunkk" "Joong ahhhhh" "Don't move you okay right?" "Yes how is Chimon?" "He hasn't wake up yet Perth is by his side, yk I was soo scared when I saw that you got shot" "I was also scared I thought that I won't be able to see you again" " Don't say like this huhhh.. you are fine and I am right in front of you, Now take some rest ok" "You sleep next to me" "Okayyy"

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