Their reaction to you getting hurt in a game

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Adam- Gets angry but try's to stay focused so that the ducks win, occasionally barges into the person that hurts you, makes sure to stay near you for the rest of the game

Charlie- He is fuming, slams his stick on the ice and goes for the person, ends up getting put in the penalty box, shouts at the ref

Dean- Chucks his stick down and tries to throw hands, checks them into the boards, gets taken out for the rest of the game

Fulton- Him and Dean just body slam the person into the boards and keeps trying to get them without being taken out

Averman- Makes fun of  them and takes this piss out of them the rest of the game, gets everyone to gang up on them and makes them feel insecure

Luis- keeps speeding past them and makes them lose their balance, shows them up with his speed and steeling the puck

Dwayne- makes sure you are ok, gets Bombay to sit you out so you don't get anymore injuries, whips out his lasso at the end of the game lol

Guy- Gets pissed off but try's not to show it, gets more determination to win, stays close to them the whole time to keep an eye on them

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