I Became A Savior?!?!--Episode 2

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 Chapter 6

Akio's Mind: 3 Day's have passed after that incident, That Giant Spider was a hard boss... I almost died there... Oh yeah... I was shocked hearing Yua say that I'm her Big Brother... I did tell her too stop calling me that, But she tear's up every time i say that... It was like i was A bad guy or something... So... I accepted the reality and Said that she can call Me Big Brother... But... That's still a problem for me... I don't really have a backstory about My Sister Yua And Me... So i Had Too think of something, I still... Didn't think of any backstory soo far... *Sigh* Though... I'm happy that i meet a human... These 2 Suffering Week's of being lost... Have paid back the pain of my suffering~ And so, my story continues, an Amazing Adventure Of A Hero~~ That's what you though right...? Akio: *Walk* *Gloom* I---i-i don't have any.... MONEY!!! *Akio Is Sad* Yua: Big Brother, don't worry, *Walk* If we follow this path we will find a town... *Walk* Akio: *Gloom* *Walk* A town...~ Sound's nice...~ *Walk* I wish that was the truth...! We were following this path for 3 day's straight...~ *Walk* And we found nothing...~ Not a town...~ *Walk* Not a village...~ *Walk* Not A---- Huh... *Stop* I-is that a... T-town? I-is it really...? *Akio's Eye's Are crying in Joy* Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss!!! Finally...! *Jooyyyyyy* A TOWN!!! Yua: Woww this town is beautiful from this Long Distance! Akio: You're right~ The town is called... Hiuma (Teiji,Warky,Vivia,Naria,Banyr.) Town~!............. END.

Chapter 7

Akio: It's Really A Town~! Ahhh... I'm relieved about this... Yua: Big Brother, What should we do now? Akio: That's a good question... I have no idea... Akio's Mind: Now that i think about this, i didn't really thought this far... Wait! If i can remember... I did play a RPG game once, and i did read a manga... There should be guild's right? If there is a guild then i can register the guild or in short be an Adventurer... But what about Yua? It Might Be Dangerous for her... Akio: Yua... Do you perhaps have magic? (System: I'll explain in detail what Akio is trying to say... In this fantasy world, There is magic and magic swordsmanship, If you don't get it then I'll explain in short, Do you remember the skill That Akio got? Well the poison bullet is magic, And Akio is asking does she has magic. END Of Explanation) Yua: I Don't know, Sorry Big Brother... Akio: It's alright, I should be sorry for asking, Oh yeah... Our destination is The Guild, in short I'm going to become an Adventurer! Yua: And why would you want too become an Adventurer? Akio: That's a simple question, Too get money! And Of course Buy Equipment! Yua: What's an Equipment? Akio's Mind: Oh yeah, She doesn't really know what are those stuff are... Akio: Equipment is for adventuring And Exploration~ Soo First i will register into the guild, Get a mission, After i complete the mission, I get money~~!! Yua: Ohhh... I get it... But, what about me? Will i be an Adventurer too? Akio: Ermm.... Well.... Maybe.... First let's find out if you have magic, If you have magic I'll approve that you will become an Adventurer~ You can use your magic close too me~ And I'll protect you from danger~ It's like 2 bird's with one stone~ Yua: Really~! Thank you, Big Brother~! Akio's Mind: Sheeee'ssss Just Tooooo Cuuuteee~~~!!! Akio: Are you ready? First I'll register, And Complete the mission, Then I'll Help You Release Your Magic~ Sound's Good? Yua: Yes, That sound's good! Akio: Okay Let's get going~! *Walk* *Walk* *Walk* *Stop* Akio: Were here~ The Guild! Yua: Woaaaaah It's Big! Akio: That's right it's big Because all the adventurer's Come Here And Get Their Mission's! I'm Getting Excited!! *Akio Is Really Excited For This* Akio: Here we go...! *Akio Open's The Door*.............. END.

Chapter 8

*Walk* *Walk* *Walk* *Stop* Guild Keeper: What can i do for you? Akio: I want to register and become an adventurer! Guild keeper: Okay give me a sec... *Guild Keeper get's a item of some sort* First well see your level, if you have higher than 5 level's your welcome too register, now touch this crystal ball so we can see your level~ Akio's Mind: I didn't check my level *Akio Is Nervous* *The Crystal ball shines~~* Guild Keeper: !!! Your level is... 18lvl! Akio: Is... that acceptable..? Guild Keeper: We don't really have that many under 15lvl adventurer's... your the 4th one too register at that level, in other word's your the 4th strongest... Akio: I-is that right? Akio's Mind; If I'm the 4th strongest that mean's that these 3 other people are strong too... Akio: Might i ask about the 1st strongest? Guild Keeper: Sorry.. I can't tell you that... The 1st Strongest told me not too tell his name too anyone... But, i can tell you the 2nd and 3rd name's if you want? Akio: Sure i might meet them if i know their names... Akio's Mind: Are they Hero's like me or they are just adventurer's? I don't have much information.. Guild Keeper: the 2nd Strongest Name Is: Asahi Haru, And the 3rd Strongest is: Hiroto Itsuki, Is that helpful too you? Akio: Yes, this information is helpful... Oh, yeah i forgot... My name is Akio Kazuya, And this is Yua Akari My little sister~ Yua: H-Hello.. Guild Keeper: Oh Hello there little one~ And My Name Is Ayane Kaede~, but you can call me Kaede. Akio: Thank's for the information Kaede. Guild Keeper: That's my job too do, Oh yeah, the ranking's i forgot to say about that... Akio: Hm? Guild Keeper: So the ranking system work's like this--- There is S Rank, A Rank, B Rank, C Rank, D Rank, E Rank And F Rank, You are at C Rank when you reach lvl 20 Then You can promote yourself too B Rank, There is a Special Rank Too... The X Rank The Most Superior Rank In The Guild Community! Only 1 person has it... But We don't know his name nor where he is... Only The Guild Master's Know Him... But they wont tell us no matter what.. Even if it take's their life! Akio: An X Rank? Akio's Mind: How is that possible? I thought that there was only 7 Rank's... There was A Special One...? Akio: And how do i get too X Rank? Guild Keeper: That's impossible... Sorry but i can't tell you... The Guild Master Told Me Not Too Tell anyone... Akio's Mind: That person might be the strongest out of us... The 1st Strongest... Maybe he knows him... He didn't tell anyone his name..? Akio: Okay thank you for the information... Now too look for mission's~ Guild Keeper: Good Luck with that~ Akio's Mind: No.. not that... too hard... hmm not bad but still no..... Aha! Akio: I want this! Guild Keeper: Are you sure you want that mission? Akio: Yes i want it...! *Assigned* *Writing akio's name on the paper mission* Guild Keeper: Well okay, Good Luck with your mission! *Walk* *Walk* *Walk* Yua: She was nice..~ Akio: Yeah she was nice, I did get information about these 2 Strongest... But there is an X rank... I am A C Rank... I'm Kinda jealous~.. Akio's Mind: *Sigh* I did defeat the Giant Spider... I do Recall my lvl too be at lvl4 I defeated a boar and some goblin's... The Giant Spider Gave Me A Lvl14 That Goes too Lvl18... That's not bad for me... but i almost died in the dungeon... Oh yeah what about that question mark item? Item:- ??? ??? - ????? ??? ?????????? ????? ?????? ????. Yeah... It's really weird... But the color is Red and Orange... Hmm... Nope I have no idea what it is... *Walk* *Walk* Akio: So let's Get Going Yua? Yua: Too doo what? Akio: Too Defeat some Goblin's, This Mission is perfect for my new skill... The "Poison Bullet" skill... Yua: So Where Do We Get Money From...? Akio: Oh yeah... You have too defeat goblin's and show the proof... But which proof will it be good? *Walk* *Walk* *Akio with Yua enters a forest* *Walk* *Walk* Akio: Hm...??? *Akio Hear's a noise* Akio: *Rustle* *Take's A Peak* W-what the...?!?! Is That... Yua: Is this a town? Akio: No... It's a goblin Village........ END.

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