Announcement! (2024-06-25)

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Hello, Reader's! Thank You For Reading "I Became A Hero After I Saved Someone?!?!" For I Have Great News Too Share! I Have Created 3 Brand New Novel's To Read, But Will Be Release Later This Year, After "I Became A Hero After I Saved Someone?!?!" Season 1 End's (At Chapter 65---Episode 13) After Season 1 End's,  Season 2 Will Be Released Some Time In Winter Or Fall. I Haven't Been Making The Story Make Sense So Far, So I'll Be Changing Couple Of Word's In Chapter 1-25, I'm Also Trying My Best Too Make It Exciting (As I Have Made Full Story Of "I Became A Hero After I Saved Someone?!?!"). Anyway's, Without Further Ado! Here's 3 Brand New Novel's!

One With The Sword

Fire That Engulfs His Home, Fire That Destroyed His Once Prosperous Clan... Fire, That Killed His Family. As He Walk's In Flames And Barely Able To Move... He See's A Sword... No... His Father's Sword That Was Left After A Fierce Battle... The Child... With His Right Arm... Picked It Up... He Promised Himself... No... He Promised Everyone Too Get Revenge, For Who Or What Was The Reason, He Didn't Care, Only For Revenge Shall He Be Freed From Grief And Hatred!

This Story Focuses On Tsurugi Kamiyama, As He Ventures To Find The Culprit Behind His Destroyed Home Land And Take Revenge For What They Have Done.

I Became "God's" LACKEY?!

Worked For A Famous Company About Making Games, The Game Was Called "ODEL" Meaning RPG With A Virtual Reality Game And I Was The Head Programmer Who Was In Charge Of Making This Into A Reality... But, I Got Kicked Out Of The Famous Company! Why? Because I Made Couple Of Mistakes?! After I Got Fired, The Virtual Reality Game "ODEL" Was Scrapped And Tossed Out, I Tried Making It My Own "ODEL" Game Alone, As It Was My Idea To Make This Game... Oh, My Computer Broke. Went To The Store To Buy New Part's... Huh... Are My Eye's Seeing Stuff Now? I Didn't Take Break's For Day's, I Even Saw Something Glitching? After I Went Home... HUH!? I Saw... "GOD"?!.

The Dark Red Realm

Who... Am i...? Where... Am i...? As I Stand Up, I See An Empty Place... Red... Everything Is Red... Rock's... Wall's... Even The Sky... But... There's Light In The Mountain Range... As I Walk Forward... ARGHH! I Remembered Something... But... What? Something... Spoke In My Ear... "The Light Is The Path", What Is This... Why Am I Alone... What Should I... Do...? 

This Is The Beginning Of The "Red Flaming Knight" As He Climb's The HUUUUGEEEE Mountain. Will He Reach The Light? Or Will He Become "Insane" By Each Step.

Once More, Thank You For Reading My Novel (As This Is My First Time Making It).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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