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"Do you think this fits okay?"

His lights are set to the lavender color setting on his LED lights that line the top ceiling corners of his room, though the lamp on his desk also provides warm white light to contrast against it. Miles looks up from his phone conversation with his uncle to glance at your figure standing in front of the mirror attached to the back of his door as your gaze analyzes the new pair of leggings adorning your legs.

"They look perfect, bella." Miles responds, the amused lilt in his voice nearly blowing over your head when you hear him speak. Though, to Miles, anything you wear is perfect in his eyes. Your lips jut out in a pout as you continue to examine your bottom half dressed in the black leggings, debating on if you'd gotten the right size to accentuate your curves the way you want them to.

The leggings were just one of many items that lay in the various shopping bags that littered Miles' floor, currently. From LuLuLemon to Victoria's Secret to Fashion Nova, Miles can certainly say that he's made up for his impromptu disappearance before your date night the night prior.

He didn't mean for last night to happen, truly. He knew you really wanted to see that movie. It was the last night it was playing in theaters, too, and you were so excited when you managed to find tickets to the last showing, and proposed the date idea to him. Miles admits that he was interested in the proposition, not just because you had proposed it, but because the mere mention of it got you so worked up that he truly believed it to be worth it.

So, to make up for not only bailing on the date, but also going ghost for much the prior night as well, he picked you up for an impromptu day at the mall. It wasn't an easy feat, Miles admits, convincing you to allow him to make it up to you in this way. He felt guilty for inadvertently crushing your hopes, and you'd felt even more guilty about taking the new date offer that required him to spend his money.

"I'm tryna make it up to you, ma." He'd said

"Miles, I said it was fine-" you'd said.

"-but it's not, though." He'd interjected.

"You had...stuff to do," you'd whispered to him, "I can't expect you to drop everything at my beck and call, and I know what I signed up for when we started dating."

If someone told Miles that four months ago he'd start dating the pretty girl who always slept through their shared mathematics class, he'd surely look at you as if you'd just grown a second head. He still doesn't know what attracted him to you in the first place - how pretty you looked asleep at your desk, or the fact that even though you'd be knocked out the second you took your seat, if the teacher happened to call on you for a question, you managed to answer it correctly every time.

You'd quickly became his first and, as it stands, only friend at Visions Academy. Soon enough, you'd also became aware of his double persona, though if Miles had it his way, he would have kept you in the dark for as long as possible. It wasn't easy, juggling the duality of the life he lived. The less people close to him, the easier the job was. Well, unless the person was you.

You were like a piece of gum stuck under a desk - an ever-looming presence, never disappearing; but like the candy before being discarded, you were also sweet, refreshing, comforting. Miles wanted to make this work for the both of you. He'd grown too fond of you to let you slip out of his life like sand from the beach.

"So that means you jus' accept whatever you get?" Miles asks, eyebrows raised again. "Nah, we don't do that around here."

Unfortunately, there was no fighting against Miles when he had his mind made up.

So you entertained his proposition, though not without a fight. You made sure that the boy bought some things for himself as well, and even managed to sneak in a few items for his mother (which, in all honesty, he didn't need much convincing for - it was his mother, after all). So, granted, not all of the bags on the floor were yours, so it made you feel a bit better about Miles splurging on you as an apology.

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