An unbreakable Nightmare 😴🌙

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Summary: Pure Vanilla was having a nightmare that he can't seem to wake up from and its up to his friends to wake him up.

It was a quite and peaceful night in the Vanilla Kingdom. Everyone was asleep including our ancient heroes. Well everyone but Pure Vanilla Cookie who started to toss and turn in his sleep, he was sleeping just fine a moment ago.

"Where am I?" Pure Vanilla woke up finding himself inside some sort of endless black void, eyes in two different shades of blue staring him down. The healer tried his best to run it but not matter how hard he tried the eyes where still there. "This doesn't look like I'm speaking to the light of truth." Vanilla said to himself.

"You're right about that one." A voice said and cackled.

"Who...who are you?" Pure Vanilla asked.

"No need for introductions right now." The cookie then appeared from the shadows. The cookie had one eye color different from the other just like Pure Vanilla, wearing a jester outfit, and had the exact same soul jam as Vanilla has. (Yes I'm referring to Shadow Milk Cookie.Vanilla doesn'tfind out who he was until the beast yeast episodes.) The cookie the laughed once more. Pure Vanilla wanted to run and get out of this insane dream, but he couldn't realizing that he was tied to string like a puppet. "Leaving sooooo soon silly Vanilly. No no no, that just won't do. Let's have a little fun shall we?" How did this cookie know his name was beyond him, but he was more worried about what he meant by fun.

Before Vanilla could say anything or even fight back his version of fun began. The cookie was literally controlling Vanilla with his mind.

With the other ancients....

"What was that?!" Lily woke up from her slumber to the sound of screaming. Luckily the four ancients were all spending the night in the Vanilla Kingdom and their rooms were right next to each other. Lily grabbed her staff and ran out of the room and knocked on each door, waking them up. They too heard the constant screaming and followed White Lily to Pure Vanilla's room where the sound was coming from. "What's so important that you had to interrupt my beauty sleep?" Cheese said, the grogginess can be heard in her voice. Chesse also earned herself an elbow from hollyberry, but that was interrupted by Vanilla's screaming once more.

The healer was showing all the signs of a nighmare, the tossing and turning, sweating, whimpering, everything. "We have to wake him up now." Dark Cacao said. The question is how are they going to wake him up from a nightmare? They eventually agreed that they should try the common methods of waking a cookie up in hopes of getting their friend back to reality.

The four heroes first tried violently shaking Vanilla which wasn't successful. They poured buckets of ice cold water onto the frightened cookie and all the other normal ways to wake a cookie up, none of those techniques were successful. "One thing is for sure, either Vanilla is one heavy sleeper or he's using sleep medicine." Cheese said.

"We literaly tried everything and nothing has worked." Hollyberry said.

"There's one thing we haven't tried yet. It's our only option. I'll explain, just follow my lead." Lily said.

In Vanilla's Dream....

The poor healer was completely powerless while being manipulated by Shadow Milk. He felt trapped inside a bubble that he couldn't break out from, no matter how hard he tried. It wasn't until he began hearing familiar voices, his friends. But what are they doing in his dream? How did they get there? Well there's no way a cookie could be in the same dream physically unless they're sleeping. Vanilla only heard the voices of his fellow warriors. "Dark Cacao? Hollyberry? Golden Cheese? White Lily?" Vanilla tried to call out, but no response.

"Oh silly silly Vanilly do you really think that you're friends will come save you? If thats the case then you're wrong. Our fun has just begun." Just before Shadow Milk can even make a move, Vanilla just disappeared going back to reality.  The cookie just stood there confused on what just happened.

Back in reality....

"Our plan is that we'll simply scare him. Hopfully he wakes up and finally we comfort him as much as possible. Everyone is happy." Lily explained.

"I like you plan, but there's just one minor flaw in this. We don't know what scares him." Cheese said.

Hollyberry and Cacao agreed with the fact. They've may have known each other for a very long time, but one thing was for sure is that they don't know what would scare the healer. They have to be creative with it.

But just as they were about to roll out their plan, Vanilla shot up awake, literally scaring the other four to the point were on top of each other...well mainly the girls. Cheese hopped onto Hollyberry and White Lily was on Dark Cacao while he was standing there motionless. The healer eventually snapped out of it.

"Wha- What happened? Why am I wet along with my bed? And why are you all on top of each other?"

They all tried to explained to him what happened and then Cacao asked the healer what had happened in his dream. Let's just say that Vanilla just brushed it off as for them to not worry. They weren't buying none of that.

"Come on Vanilla, the least thing we can  do is spend the night in your room. You don't have a choice."

Vanilla was just about to get ready to say no but gave in and went to get himself changed into a dry pair of pajamas and dried bed sheets.

"There's really no need for you guys to do all this. I'm fine." Vanilla still attempts to decline but falls on deaf ears. In the end they were all asleep in one bed which was big enough for everyone to fit in. The healer did have to admit that it felt nice, but at the same time hopes he never ends up encountering Shadow Milk Cookie in real life. Hopefully it was just his imagination.

Hey ya'll long time no see, but anyways I want to thank -Silentfeather- for the request you made back in 2023 if you recalled. Just really backed up with requests.

Speaking of that, I don't want anyone to feel offended if I have not done your request. I will get to yours eventually, it just takes longer for me to get started.

See you in the next story 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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