Chapter 6: "Please don't leave me, Sherly!"

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Take you by the hand

You're the only one who understands

William's POV

I opened my eyes to a bright light blinding my eyes. I immediately closed them again then reopened them until I get used to the sensation. Where am I?

Suddenly, I hear the door opened. I snapped my head to the direction of the sound and my heart dropped. It was him. How? He's dead, he can't be here.

I immediately got up from the bed I was sleeping in and started taking in the surroundings. I wasn't in my bedroom in London but rather I was in my bedroom—a bedroom I shared with my Sherlock in Brooklyn.

"Honey, you're awake finally. I'm was starting to get concerned" The familiar man walked over to me as he sat down on my bed and brought my hand up to his lips to kiss them.

"What's wrong Liam? You looked like you have seen a ghost. Are you sick?" The detective before me had a concerned look on his face so now I wonder how I looked. Probably paler than I already was.

"I'm.. fine..?" Shit. I didn't mean for it to sound like a question. Sherlock furrowed his eyes brow as he rubbed his thumb against my hands in a soothing, comforting manner. I missed this, I missed waking up in his arms, I missed going on missions with him, I missed hearing his voice, his kisses, his soothing little touches that always calm me just like that one. I missed everything about him so much and it hurts. Had everything only been a dream? Are we still in New York and he's still here?

"Love, why are you crying?" "What?" I brought a finger up to my cheeks as I felt warm liquid. He frowned as he wrapped his arms around me. Finally letting go of my emotions, I bawled my eyes out into my Sherlock's embrace. It is so warm and it felt so real.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong?" He whispered into my forehead as he planted a soft kiss. "Sherly... I had a nightmare that you died.. you left me alone!"  The detective immediately went quiet as he sighed. "Sherly..?" "Liam, you have to let go. I'm dead and none of it wasn't a nightmare. I know you wished they were nightmares but.. they were all real except you are in a dream right now"

I pulled away from his chest to look up at him, more tears pouring down my eyes. "What..? No-I can't—I just can't.. I can't live without you. Sherly please!" Sherlock smiled as he caressed my cheeks, I leaned into his touch and he quickly kissed me.

When he pulled away, I immediately cupped his face and kissed him again, trembling. When he pulled away, I immediately begged him to kiss me again because I know how these things go. A person you love who had died visit you in your dream, tell you to let them go and gave them a goodbye kiss and my situation right now is exactly that.

I didn't want him to go again so I cried as I begged him to continue kissing me so that he won't go. "Please.. Sherly.. kiss me again. Don't stop. I can't let you go—I can't.." Sherlock sighed as he slowly slipped away from me.

"Sherly? Sherly where are you going! No..Sherly.." I immediately closed my eyes shut when I was exposed to extremely bright light again. I was lost and I didn't know what to do. I lost the person I love again.

As I stood there in the place of nothingness but a bright white wall, some new voices immediately snapped me back into reality.


"William!" I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of Albert's voice. He was immediately relieved after seeing that I was awake but.. my cheeks felt wet. Had I also been crying in my sleep?

"Brother.." I looked to the other side of my bed to see Louis. I slowly sat up as I rubbed my head. "What time is it?" I asked as Louis answered that it was around 8 in the morning. I overslept.."Why are you guys here?" I asked them again as Albert began to explain.

"William, we thought it was unusual of you to wake up this late so we decided to go and wake you up but we heard you screaming so painfully begging someone to not go.. was that" Albert didn't even have to say who he was dreaming about because he knew. I sighed as I nodded. "I'm sorry for concerning both of you.. please let me be and I will come out after getting ready"

Louis nodded as he went out before Albert. "Is there anything else you would like to tell me, brother?" I asked him and he nodded. "Today.. we are going to be receiving Mr Holmes' body. We have to clean him nicely before burying him so I thought you would like to do it" William smiled as he thanked his brother.

"I.. would love that. Thank you Albert" Albert smiled as he made his way out of my room and now I'm left alone again.

I sighed as I got out of bed to start bathing myself. As I got in there, I saw the bath had already been made and there was a note on the counter.

I hope you feel a bit better after taking this bath, brother. I made it how you usually liked it.


I smiled as I thanked my brother in my mind. I quickly undressed myself, unwrapping the bandages from yesterday, revealing the nasty wounds I casted upon myself. I should bandage this up after bathing before it gets infected.

I stepped into the lukewarm water, sinking in the water as I pretended that my sorrow was gone.

I am now standing in front of my wardrobe with one of Sherlock's shirt in my hand, the one I stole from him and hid it in my suitcase before travelling back to London and I never washed it.

I put it on and despite us being the same height, he was still bigger than me so the shirt came out a bit loose but that is okay. It smells just like him and it felt.. warm.

Feeling a bit of happiness, I quickly finished dressing up and I went out of my room, preparing to get through the day without crying but that was all gone into a vain when I immediately saw his body, so paled. so lifeless.

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