Chapter 9: "The Lullaby of the death, oh so painful but peaceful"

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To my dearest, Sherlock Holmes

Sherly, I know you told me to keep moving forward, to continue on taking more steps towards living but without you here, I can't. I really can't no matter how hard I try to. I constantly keep getting pulled back into the darkness, the negative thoughts keep surrounding me and I am trying really hard to stay strong and keep fighting but Sherly, my nightmares they keep coming back. They are back to haunt me and they now the weakened state I am in. They are going to take over me one day Sherly. I'm scared, I don't want to give in to them however I am afraid that death has successfully lured me to walk towards them. I'm really sorry Sherly but I tried, I fought hard for you, for my brothers, I did try to fight it for as long as I can but I failed. I gave in, so until then please wait for me, my love.

The letter had a few droplets of tears on them, staining the black ink. William rubbed his teary eyes  as he reached out for another paper to pen his farewell letter to his brothers and the people in the Moriarty mansion.

To my dear brothers, Louis and Albert,

I must begin this correspondence with a heartfelt apology. I deeply regret leaving you both behind, and for the difficult decision I am about to make. Despite my earnest promise to improve and care for myself, I find that I am unable to continue bearing the weight of this, particularly in the absence of Sherlock, my unwavering source of support.

The burden of pain has become unbearable, and I hope that you find it within your hearts to forgive me. I love you both so much, and I hope that you may find happiness in my absence.

Albert, I am forever grateful for the opportunity you provided me to embark on my own path. Your faith in me and how you were willing to adopt Louis and I into the Moriarty family has not gone unnoticed. You are an amazing brother, and I am forever indebted to you.

Louis, I extend my deepest gratitude for your presence throughout our living in the slums. Your unwavering support has not gone unnoticed, and I am truly sorry for the distance I created between us upon assuming the role of lord of crime. I long to make amends and express my sincerest apologies for any pain I have caused you.

My love for both of you knows no bounds, and I fervently hope that we may be reunited in the next life as devoted brothers once more.

To everyone in the Moriarty mansion,

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the support and dedication you have shown me. I deeply regret any pain my actions may cause, but I implore you to understand that this is a necessary step on my journey towards inner peace, my home.

The haunting melody of death's lullaby lulls me towards a bittersweet yet so peaceful departure from this world. I urge you to continue forward without looking back, as I depart with no regrets.

Until next time, my dear comrades,
William James Holmes

As William finished writing down his last letter, he neatly folded in and placed it on his desk. He then turned his attention towards the other letter which is sitting neatly on the other side of the desk, not being folded. He then took off his supposedly engagement ring and Sherlock's ring and placed them both next to each other on the letter together, where they should belong.

With heavy heart, William went to his stash of pills where they all store their medicines, herbs and poison for missions that needed them. Without reading what they are for, he grabbed for the nearest poison and retrieve back to his room with a glass of water.

He calmly poured the powdery poison into the glass of water, mixing it and quickly drank it, wanting to just end it all.

Despite not reading the label, William knew that the poison he took wouldn't kick in immediately so he decided to take one final stroll around the garden, the place which he adores the most.

As he was walking along the rows of roses, his heart suddenly ached, his skin became ice cold. He knew the effect of the poison had finally kicked in. He dropped to his knees as he clutched his heart, wishing for the pain to end soon.

As he felt his death was approaching, he smiled. He was finally feeling free, he is finally free.

Wait for me Sherly.. I'm coming

As the darkness slowly welcome him, he heard a distant voice called out for him before finally collapsing to the ground.

Is he dead, or is he not? 😈 lowkey, I don't know if I should make a book 2 for this series (for book two it will take place in 2023, Sherliam reincarnated of course) let me know if I should make Book 2 for this!

By the way I had to have AI help me with finding fancy words for writing the letter 😭

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