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25 years later...

"And that my children, is the story of a man who had saved his beloved person in every way a person could be saved. He had saved that person from death, from eternal darkness and suffering. He was a great chap, wasn't he?"

By the time William had finished telling the stories of his beloved detective—which of course he hid the real name of Sherlock and called him 'the man' and called himself  'person'—the children were crying, some were pretending hard to not cry and some others were sobbing their eyes out. Well they're technically not children anymore. And I quote; 'We are 15! We are teenagers now."

William chuckled at the reaction of his beloved nieces and nephews. "Why are you guys reacting this way? You told me you wanted to hear a story from me" "Well yeah! But we did not expect it to be sad!!" Scott Watson, Mary and John's son rebut as he wiped his eyes.

"Tell me uncle William, that man was someone you know, wasn't he? And that person is you!" William looked at Veronica as he slightly frowned but quickly changed it.

"Aha! So he was really someone you know!" Lucas now chirped happily. Lucas and Veronica are the adoptive children of Albert and Mycroft. Mycroft decided to let them adopt the last name 'Moriarty' and use 'Holmes' as their middle name instead.

Lucas is 14 years old, a year younger than Veronica but hell, they are incredibly talented and smart. Not to mention, they learned from their uncle Louis on how to know when William is sad.

William smiled as he patted Lucas head. "I am caught, yes. I do know that person. His name was.." he trailed off as he raised his left hand slightly higher, admiring the golden ring and the skull ring on his fingers.

"Sherlock Holmes" The three children looked at each other with wide eyes as they exclaimed at the same time. "Sherlock Holmes, also known as the most famous detective in the world and uncle Mycroft's brother!?" William giggled as he nodded.

"My detective was the best, wasn't he?" "Your detective? What, are you guys married or something?" Scott playfully joked as William turned to look at Scott. "Actually, we are" They both exclaimed in an understanding as they went on and on about how great the detective is.

"I wish he was here right now, he would have been great!" Lucas groaned. William smiled as he looked at the sun through their window and spoke. "I'm sure he would have been amazing..."William sighed as he turned back to his nieces and nephews. "Anyway children, it's time to head back home. I'm not 27 like what I told you in the story anymore, I'm 52. I need to rest" The children nodded as they said their goodbyes to William enthusiastically and sat up from their chairs and started to walk towards the door.

Suddenly, William heart ached. He fell down to the floor, his hands holding his chest. "UNCLE!!" Lucas and Scott said at the same time as Veronica immediately ran over to find Louis, informing him what had happened.

William on the other hand was suffering intense coldness, headaches and heartache all of a sudden. Is it finally his time?

Suddenly William stopped focusing on what is happening around his as his eyes started to feel heavy. It was hard to keep them opened and so he closed them, the next thing he knew was that he collapsed onto the floor, the darkness finally welcomed him and then there was the warm light again.

"Liam" he heard his voice. He opened his eyes and he was in the dandelion field again. He glanced around as he decided to walk and came across a river. he saw a reflection of himself in it but he wasn't in the 52 William James Morairty's body, he was 27 again.

He smiled as he turned around and his heart stopped beating. He saw his detective, still looking just as gorgeous as before standing behind him. He had been waiting for William for god knows how long!

William gasped as he felt his knees grew weak and stumbled backward but before he could fell into the river, a pair of strong hands pulled him into a tight embrace. William cried as he returned the gesture.

He sobbed into his detective chest as the detective said nothing but showed the blonde gentle gesture like rubbing circles on his back, head pats and so on.

Finally, he decided to break the silence. He planted a soft kiss on his William's head as whispered against it.

"Welcome home, Liam"

"I'm home, Sherly"

"William James Holmes/Moriarty times of death 11:11 PM,  February 22nd 19xx" the doctor announced.

And finally, after 25 years. Sherlock and William had reunited again. It was a bittersweet ending to a long and difficult journey, but at least now they could rest in peace, reunited at last in their favourite place in the world.

—————————The End—————————-

Mourning Him | Sherliam (Sherlock X William) |BXB|Where stories live. Discover now