Chapter 11 Part 3

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"Emi! Emi! Emi!" I heard Jasmine chant urgently as she tried to shake me awake.

"Huh? What?" I asked groggily as I woke up to find Jasmine staring at me.

"Emi talking in sleep again," Jasmine whined as she whimpered. "Jazy no like Emi talking in sleep!"

"I'm sorry Jazy," I apologized. Jasmine whimpered and nuzzled my head. "It's this darn wolf charm." I lifted the wolf charm so Jasmine could see it.

"Emi have bad dream?" Jasmine asked wearily. She gave me a worried look.

"Not this time, Jazy," I told her. "I talked to my sister Qwen."

"Sister?" Jasmine asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"The sisters who aren't with us because of what I did when we were born," I explained. I didn't want to get into the whole details again.

"Oh," Jasmine said sadly. She turned toward Mommy who hasn't woken up yet. "Mommy," she whimpered, nudging Mommy until she woke up.

Mommy looked around in confusion before her eyes rested on Jasmine. She smiled with warmth. "Jasmine," she said, sounding tired.

"Mommy!" Jasmine said brightly with hope. She leaned against Mommy, giving her a hug.

"How are you, Mommy?" I asked, concerned.

Mommy looked at me, her pale face making her look more weaker than normal. She took my hand, holding it even though she knew I had done a terrible thing yesterday. Does she still love me? I thought with fear in the back of my mind.

Mommy looked like she wanted to say something to me but never got a chance to because the door to the prison opened and Father and several guards walked down the stairs to our cell. I growled when I saw them. Why couldn't they just let us go?

Mommy put her hand on my arm, warning me to back down. I whimpered and nuzzled Mommy's head. "I don't want to die!" I whined, my voice cracking with pain and fear. "Please Mommy, do something!"

Mommy gave me a sad look, knowing that she couldn't do anything including using her powers while the Wolfsbane poison was still in her, slowly killing her. "I'm sorry, Em," she whispered. "You and Jasmine are on your own. I can no longer use my powers. My time is almost here."

"No!" I said with devastation. If I were in my wolf form, my ears would be pulled back and my tail tucked between my legs. "Don't leave Mommy! I need you!" I glanced at Jasmine who was whimpering as she hugged Mommy. "We need you!"

"It's time, little monster," Father interrupted us.

I turned back towards him and growled threateningly. "Try and take us and I'll kill you!" I threatened.

Father ignored my threat and came in anyway. "I know you killed my wife, Princess Rose, last night," he growled after he stopped in front of me.

I shrunk back a little, growling and doing my best to guard Jasmine and my Mommy. I could kill him now! I wanted to so badly that it hurt.

Jasmine lifted her head from Mommy's shoulder and whimpered as she tried to nuzzle my head in comfort. I nuzzled her back, silently promising her that I'll get us all out of here. None of us has to die, except the royal family.

"Ray told me everything, little monster," Father continued. "How you threatened to kill him and used magic on him. You took away his mother! The least I can do to get payback is to take away yours!"

"No!" I yelped in fear.

I stood up quickly and was about to launch myself at Father when two of the guards walked over and grabbed me, forcing my hands behind my back. I squirmed, trying to get out of their grip but they squeezed my arms so I couldn't escape.

"Emi! Emi! Emi!" Jasmine cried frantically as she stood up and tried to pry the hands from the closest guard to her away from me. "Jazy help Emi!"

Then a second later, she yelped as another pair of guards grabbed her. "Let go! Let go! Let go!" She cried. "Jazy no do nothing! Jazy wanna help Emi!"

The guards didn't listen and by the nod of Father's head as a signal, we were led away from Mommy and led away to our deaths.

This marks the end of Chapter 11 Part 3.
The story will continue in Chapter 12.
As always, thanks for reading!
J. D. Driscoll

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