Chapter 8

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Y/N's POV:

Another day over, and I was exhausted. Sometimes, I wish that Caine would make these games and adventures less exhausting.

I skipped dinner and just wished the others a good night.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

I soon was drifting asleep.


It was late, and I woke up from falling out of bed, waking up from a horrible dream.

I groaned and rubbed my head.


I look at the wall clock.

02:14 am

Great... I can't fall asleep.

I thought for a moment how I could possibly pass the time.

I got off the floor and dusted off my clothes.

Maybe I could look at the stars..

I nodded to myself and quietly left my room.


I was walking around the grounds, enjoying the quiet and beautiful flowers that were growing on the grass next to the path.

My eyes kept wandering around, and they landed on the lake. That seemed like quite a nice place to relax and watch the stars from.

The atmosphere was calming, and the stars were beautiful.. even though they aren't real ones..

You let out a deep sigh and relax, resting against a tree at the lake.

Thoughts of that bad dream came back, and I felt a tear fall down my face.

I miss my family and friends.. I might not remember them that much, and their faces were blured out.. but I knew it was them. The ones that were there for me before I ended up here.

I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath.


You were just enjoying the quiet and soothing night.

The cold air, the sound of the water, hitting the sore.

Suddenly, you heard shuffling behind you.. you were not alone here.

I decided to ignore it since nothing dangerous can be here, and if so, it wouldn't go unnoticed by Caine.

The footsteps got closer and closer.. then stopped.

I decided to look around, just in case.


That's odd... was I imagining things.. maybe I am losing it...

I turned back to face the lake but then was met face to face with the purple rabbit.



I yellped and fell to the ground, resulting him to break out into a fit of laughter.

Not to mention that his face was inches away from mine while scaring the living daylight out of me.

"Hahahaha- M- man, you're such a scardy cat Y/N" he said between laughs. I just rolled my eyes.

"That's not funny. This 'prank'could have gone very wrong.."

I mean, I wasn't wrong.. I could have had a heart attack or could of punched him out of reflex.

He wipes a makeshift tear from his former laugh fit.

I gave him a small glare.

"What are you doing here, Jax?" I said in an annoyed tone, He just chuckled.

"I could ask you the same. It's pretty late, you know?" He said, smirking down at me and raising a brow.

"I couldn't sleep. So I decided to watch the stars." I said with a huff.

He just hummed in response.

Why didn't I just say, for him to mind his own business.. eh-


There was a long silence before he broke the silence.

"Mind if I join?" I just sighed.

"Do whatever, as long you don't get on my nerves."

With that said, he sat down against the tree as well and looked at the stars.

I didn't really wanna deal with his bullcrap right now, so I just let him stay and hoped he would get the message and not speak to me.

I could feel glances on me once in a while, but I didn't pay much mind to it.

A few minutes passed, and I could feel sleep taking over, so I just closed my eyes and let the sleep embrace me.

The next thing I knew, i was fast asleep.

Jax's POV:

I sat down against the tree and looked at the stars.

I couldn't help but take a quick glance at her looking at the stars.



Wait.. WHAT!?

I have to get it together.. I'm probably just tired.

A few moments passed, and I could feel a slight weight on my shoulder.

I looked over to my shoulder to see Y/N fast asleep.

I didn't know what was going on, but I had an odd feeling.

I shook it off and went to think, if I should wake her or not.

She did say she couldn't sleep earlier.. so I just decided not to wake her.

I carefully stood up, carrying Y/N back to the tent.

I walked through the lobby and towards the hallway, where the dorms were located.

I grabbed the doorknob with one hand and was surprised that it wasn't locked.

I just shrugged and went into her room.

I went up to her bed and placed her on it

I took the covers, placed it over her, and looked at her for a few seconds before leaving her room.

I closed the door quietly and went to my room.


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