Valentine's Day (Ei, Lisa, Ayaka, Yae Miko, Yun Jin and Eula)

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Ei: The archon doesn't know much about this day or its meaning, she's only seen it mentioned in some of the novels that Miko gave her from time to time.

This is the first time that she can share this day with someone special, but what could she do for him? Surely he already had something planned, he always does, but she still feels that its necessary to at least prepare a little gift or something for him.

So now we are here, in the kitchen of Aether's mansion in the teapot, the Raiden Shogun alongside her boyfriend traveling companion, Paimon, the woman and the fairy stood up in front of a metallic bowl and a few boxes of chocolate,

"Uhhhh Ei? Are you sure this is going to be okay?" Asked Paimon.

"Of course, with your help and with this book from... Xi-an-long?" Ei tried to look at the name once again, but she couldn't understand the name, must be form another nation.

"Its Xiangling! She is the best cook in all of Liyue!" Corrected the little fairy, Ei just nodded and proceeded to open the book, the two girls turned each page in search for something that they could easily do in a couple of hours, but most of the dishes where pretty complicated and needed more ingredients that they had at their disposal.

"What about this one?" Paimon pointed out a recipe, it was pretty small, it needed about three ingredients and the instructions seemed pretty easy, it definitely looked like something they could make.

"Perfect" Ei left the book on the counter and went to the fridge "We have milk... but I don't see any nuts... do you think we can replace it with something else?" Asked the archon.

"I don't know, the recipe doesn't say something about changing ingredients, but it should be fine! Aether always does it when we don't have something!" This was all Ei needed to hear, she quickly grabbed some grapes and some... green vegetables and quickly returned to the table.

"Alright! Lets get to work!" said an excited Paimon, the two of them got ready and began to prepare the gift for Aether.

*A couple of hours later*

It was almost night in Inazuma, but finally Aether could return to his home, he spent the whole day helping first Ayaka and then Miko with some of their requests... who involved eating a lot of chocolate for some reason and the latter couldn't stop trying to get closer to him, It was quite a strange day, especially for Valentine's Day, but luckily he had had time to buy a small gift for Ei, some special dangos that were cooked only this day.

The boy made his teapot appear in front of him and after rubbing it a bit, he closed his eyes, when he opened them again he was already in front of his home.

He slowly made his way towards the door, some of the lights were on so the boy guessed that Ei and Paimon were still at home, but the weird thing was that the lights were only on the kitchen... Ei always said that she didn't know how to cook while Paimon never did actually cook.

Upon entering the house, the boy quickly felt how the air was darker inside, as if a black cloud had entered the house, he tried to make his way towards the kitchen but was interrupted by Ei who quickly He quickly left the kitchen and stopped him right at the kitchen entrance.

"Aether! Welcome home" The archon said, but she was a little different than usual, usually she was very calm, but now she seemed nervous, her clothes were covered in brown spots and her apron had burn marks, her boyfriend quickly realized what was going on.

"Hello Ei... what happened in the kitchen?" A little drop of sweat run down the archon's face.

"Nothing, we were only talking with Paimon about something" The goddess tried to remain serious, but it was clear to anyone who knew Ei that she was trying to hide something.

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