Part 7

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Lance immediately dialed the next connection, though the wait was much longer. A new green face, with hard eyes and a pinched nose stared at him. The impatient demand in the darkin's demeanor, as if he were on the verge of losing his temper at Lance's delay in announcing his purpose, set Lance's teeth on edge.

"Please connect me to the President on a personal matter."

The secretary turned away without responding. Lance waited for the creature to reappear, and watched the boredom play across his features in a calculated way as he slipped back into his seat. "He meets with his kepu, will you wait?"

Lance nodded and tried not to fidget.

When he finally passed to the new connection, President Paumatisch lounged in his office chair. The hard-backed contour of the fine wood accentuated the pale green of his skin giving him a regal air. The leader of the Empire smiled serenely toward the screen, fingers touching in front of his chest. For a darkin, the President was not impressive in size or shape. He had neither the tell-tale bald head of the ancient Imperial line, nor could he claim such lineage. He also had no military service in his resume. He'd been a mere scholar before his rise to power, but powerful he'd become. He took in Lance's assessment, waiting for him to finish before leaning forward slightly, a willing smile picking at the edges of his thin lips.

"Lansetisch? To what do I owe the honor?"

Lance chuckled, working to hide his nervousness. "It is my honor, sir, thank you for giving me your time. The reason for my communication is to broach the subject of a stronger alliance between myself and your family." He watched the President's face for any sign of emotion but there was nothing to find. "I have heard of your plans to join your terapu to Clausopii. I hope you do not move in haste, for I now make my own desires for her formally known."

The President nodded, although his face remained passive. "Why would I allow you to create a union with her?"

"Several reasons, the forefront of which is my love for her. I believe I have proven myself as your supporter time and again, would it not be a wise choice to surround yourself with loyalty and true connections rather than those who seek for power?"

"Is this an attempt to sway me on the subject of your dominai's financial difficulties? Do you think you can barter your continued support and allegiance in exchange for her hand?"

Lance shook his head, relieved that he'd already been through this with his parents. Their encouragement gave him the strength to separate himself from their issues. "My allegiance cannot be bought sir. I give it where it belongs. My dominai's position, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with my prospects. He makes his own decisions as do I. I would hope, however, that your decisions concerning him and his future are made with forethought to everything he has and can offer you. I know of your past disagreements, but he remains loyal to you, as do I."

Paumatisch seemed to consider for a moment. "What do you offer my terapu if your dominai loses his place on the council?"

"Regardless of my dominai's position, we both know that I will earn my own right to sit on the council. I have, and will continue to serve the galactic government and its goals. I currently hold enough independent wealth to accept a seat within the next decade. In that time, I plan to ensure knowledge and understanding of politics and economics so that I can be an ally to the council."

"That would be a young age to sit in a council seat."

Lance smiled. "I will, of course, defer to those wiser than I in such matters. I understand that simply having the wealth is not enough." He paused, deciding on his next encouragement. "If you accept me as your terapu's mate, then whatever fame and influence I gain will also be yours."

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