Part 8

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"General Lansetisch reporting for duty, sir." Lance saluted the minister in the customary fashion and the other nodded in response.

"Welcome home, Lance." Minister Haubutchisc smiled warmly. He'd been friends with Lance's family for most of the youth's life. "I am pleased to work with you. It is my hope that your position and reputation will assuage the public backlash at the thought or Probes within the military. Your heroics, not to mention singlehandedly pushing the rebellion back and taking out their main base of operations, will settle the insecurities of most."

"I did what needed to be done. I am only glad that my crew and I were in the right place at the right time." Lance stepped after the other as he led the way into the galactic base and toward the board room.

"The announcement will be made tomorrow evening. Tonight, you will meet the highest-level Probes. Currently, they have their own hierarchy in place. Your first assignment is to assess and recommend any potential modifications that you see. All in all, they are a fairly disciplined group, but they are not military yet."

The general nodded at each item and made a list in his mind. Janie, on the other end of his thoughts wrote the list down and promised to give it to him the next time they met. He felt yet another thrill of giddiness at having her back in his thoughts. Despite nearly fifteen years since their joining, they had only weeks of shared throughts. Still, her thoughts and emotions felt natural among his own; much different from the half-empty feeling that too much distance brought to their connection.

"Who will I work with?" Lance lengthened his steps to match his companion and watched the minister's expression harden just slightly.

Haub stopped, reaching for the nearest door handle. "See for yourself."

Lance's stomach dropped at his tone even before the door opened to reveal a toothy, shark like smile. James' beaming face looked delighted, adding to Lance's confusion and Janie's dread.

"Lance, good to have you back."

Lance carefully composed his expression into a nonchalant smile. In his mind, Janie apologized profusely. I should have warned you, I did not consider his position and yours.

"James, good to see you." Lance turned his attention to the four other Darkin in the room and followed the minister as he introduced each one.

"These five form the highest level of Probe oversight, they should be able to fill you in on any details and provide you with the needed council to get you through." Haub addressed all six Probes. "As you know, I have several other areas of oversight. I will leave most of your day-to-day activities in your hands. Lance knows the protocol and what needs to be done; you five know your people and how things currently operate. I am excited to see this new branch of the military expand."

Lance couldn't judge how many of his new subordinate felt similar trepidation at this new assignment, but it was obvious that the change in control was not unanimously accepted. The minister nodded to each in turn and ended with Lance. "Please report to my office this evening with your recommendations. I want you to have a five to ten minute acceptance speech ready for tomorrow. I do not know if the president plans on you giving one, but I think it good to be prepared."

Minister Haub gave Lance a look of pity as he closed the door. He, apparently, understood the difficulty of the task that was being foisted onto the younger darkin. Lance wanted to sigh. Instead, he turned to face his new subordinates with a smile.

James was the first to speak. "So, what does the galactic hero plan to do with us?"

The challenge in the keptish's tone brought out Lance's candor. "You will be a weapon. My job is to make sure you remain pointed in the right direction." Lance slid out one of the remaining conference table seats and slipped into his chair. "Probes are well known for their efficiency, and I see no reason to adjust anything about your training in those matters. I have been briefed on your current organizational structure and I have noted no significant disciplinary issues in the last two decades. All in all, I believe you have a perfect public persona."

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