The Past that I once Knew

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A/N Hello everyone, and I apologize for not making another chapter as fast as I should have made one! I know that you all are preparing for the next chapter for this story to come out, I.E. this one. This will be Izuku's entrance into the story as he moves about his new life within Musutafu as he lives in the city with his new wife Ryuko Tatsuma as he had married her during the time skip between the previous chapter and now. There will be a memory of Izuku marrying the woman in a future chapter!

Musutafu, Japan. The place where Izuku had once grown up inside as he remembered very bad memories of him growing up in a place that was very discriminatory against those with weak quirks or no quirks. He was on a Patrol as a Hero within the city as he changed his original name of Deku to being the Future Warrior: One for All. He knew that the name would be a dead giveaway to All for One about what kind of quirk he had, but that was the plan for if the villain would come for him or not. His Agency was nearby UA as he wanted to let his reputation within the country of Japan had him only placed in the lower ranks of the top 100. His training as well as his power within the years passing had only grown since he had left the school with a full Hero License. Now in his prime of being 24 years old, Izuku had made his time as a Pro Hero as he managed to take down some high tier villains that took All Might multiply blows to defeat. And the passing of the torch of One for All had made villains take notice of All Might's lowering presence within the country. But there was an issue with the slowly dissipating presence of the Number 1 Hero in the world... a new Hero who claims to be All Might's successor has been making waves by taking down villains who were massive threats to society and all within the S++ ranks as they were needed to be put down. With Izuku taking over for All Might's lowering presence within the Hero Field, he had been increasing in popularity since he was the next in line to become the Next Number 1. He already had a growing fanbase of fangirls as well as fanboy's who wanted to meet him, and Izuku had met many people asking if they could become a Hero with hard work and training along with their weak or powerful or villainous quirks and he made sure that they were training every day in order to attain those dreams over the years. Izuku was making his way through Musutafu on a familiar date as he entered a small convenience store in order to collect some food and water for his late-night shift for the day. It was supposed to be his day off, but he wanted to get a little more time in for the week since he loved helping people regardless of whether or not they wanted it.


As the day continued Izuku was having fun as he explored the city that had once been a wasteland of destroyed buildings. He talked with fans as well as conversed with civilians about what they wanted in their future as well as their dreams. He even encouraged a young boy who was four years old who had been announced as quirkless that it would be hard to become a Quirkless Hero since there hadn't been one before. But so long as he worked hard to become the Hero he wishes to become; he doesn't see why he can't become the first quirkless Hero with some training. Although he'd have to go underground in order to hide his quirkless status from villains who would go after him. He was walking back towards the home he and his wife was living at within the city when a small explosion had happened on the street not too far away from his location. Looking closely, he found a villain made of sludge trying to escape from the area as Izuku took off after him with a smirk on his face. "Someone, stop that man!" An old woman called out as Izuku moved through the crowd. "Don't worry everyone! I am Here to help!" Izuku called out, as he chased the villain. "Damn it! The successor to All Might is here!? I didn't know that he worked here!" The villain called out, as he slid towards a small manhole. As soon as the villain went into the manhole, Izuku knew that was why he was seemingly nostalgic today. "Alright now to find that underpass where he should come out." Izuku said to himself before waving the civilians off stating that he'd be back.

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