Part one, intro.

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Long ass links
Minor swears (from me😨)

Welcome!! Thank you so much for picking this book out of all the books you could have picked! Please check out this wonderful book that inspired me to get back into the tbp phantom


quick AU mention!!

this is a fluff story!! no smut and very little angst<3

This is A nice! Vance AU, He is also into photography in this fanfic :)

My whole intention is for this to be a nice maybe humorous fanfic that will cheer you up! I really want this to be well written too but I am a young author so It might be bad haha. If you WANT angst I will write it, I already have HCs for Vance angst and A few for Bruce angst aswell, but feel free to comment any Angst Hcs you might want to see and I will try to fit them in with my AU!

Please feel free to correct grammar or spelling! suggestions for plot is always okay! 

long ass link sorry, thanks for actually reading this! Bye pooks 😼

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