Chapter 9- Rebel

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As Lisa was watching the car race alongside Savannah she suddenly felt a powerful and dark presence nearby. She sensed dark powers. She felt overwhelmed by sudden waves of power. She heard her voice before she saw her.

"Savannah. There you are...." Her dark tone came.

Savannah turned "Genevieve..."

Genevieve stood next to Savannah and looked at the race track "Why dont you come over to the royal box?..."

Savannah said "Its ok... Thank you for the invite... This VIP stand is fine...."

Lisa kept looking away as she felt the heavy weight of power on her. She felt like a force was pushing down on her making her feel small and powerless. There was something about the waves of lycan power that made you do and feel as they wished. Right now this lycan wanted to intimidate her and make her feel intimidated and dominated.

Genevieve said "I am glad your brother has returned..."

Savannah said "Me too..."

Genevieve turned to Savannah "Life in the capital was not the same without your brother around... He should not leave again Savannah... Do you know what was the point of his travels? What did he bring home exactly?"

Lisa could feel the waves of displeasure from Genevieve. She was not pleased and waves of anger was felt also.

Savannah said "Well... Does new experience count as something he brought home?"

Genevieve said "New experience? Really? I dont think he needs any... He is a top elite lycan in the capital. He needs to start acting like it... So should you..."

Savannah asked "Me?"

Genevieve said "Yes... You... What is it with you and surrounding yourself with a circle of lower ranked disposable subordinates? Why do you waste your precious time with recessive inferior members of the society? Inferior beings are only for us to use and dispose for our own purposes... You need to discard an inferior being after using them. Just command them. Demand what you wish from them and discard them.... Dont spend too much time with those who are of lower rank ... You would be wasting your time if you do... You belong to the house of Rogers like Sebastian... You only deserve to be companion to the elite noble lycan classes of the capital and not worthless citizens who live and breathe to serve you..."

Lisa had her eyes closed as she felt very nauseous. Why was this lycan so prejudiced and hateful. She wished she could say something back to her. Power was not everything. Wisdom and moral values mattered to. But not to this lycan who happened to be the ruler's daughter. That was it. She was the daughter of a dictator and sounded like she shared his views. Why was she surprised?

Savannah said "Genevieve. Thank you for your advice..."

Genevieve said "You are welcome Savannah... I look out for you... You are Sebastian's sister... I want you to not waste time with unworthy citizens... You are welcome to my advice any time... Now I wish to go back to the Royal stand... Come join me if you change your mind ..." She then walked away.

As soon as she left the VIP stand. Lisa took a deep breath as she felt her waves of power leaving her surroundings.

Just then, the race finished and a lycan steward at the racing event came to the VIP box and informed Savannah that Wyatt wanted her on the players floor.

Savannah turned to Lisa "I am summoned it seems. Wyatt wants me to join the champagne fountain party that his buddies enjoy. I should go before he comes and gets me... Do you want to come with me? Or you want to stay here Lisa."

Lisa said "I will stay. You go ahead."

Savannah said "I will be back soon..."

Lisa said "See you later". She then sat there watching the post race entertainment on the field.

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