9. the first step.

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It was the day of yudhishtira's coronation as the croun prince.

The guru Dakshina of guru drona was given to him.

Dronacharya wanted the king of Panchal, draupad at his feat for the insults the king had dared to throw at him, a brahamin. Draupad was victoriously brought to drona and half of his kingdom had been given to drona. Draupad swore revenge and had left after he was released.

Dritarashtr had announced yudhishtira to be the yuvaraj of Hastinapur. Duryodhana was not happy, well that was expected.

Karna came to the Rescue. "mitr, you know he's more knowledged in dharma than all of us are. He has all the qualities of a ruler.". Duryodhana was astonished.

"do you mean I don't possess any of those qualities, mitr?" Duryodhana asked, hert flashing in his eyes.

"no no mitr. You too have the qualities of a ruler. What will you gain from the throne? Mitr? A real king is not just king by sitting on the throne. He's the one who captures his citizon's hearts. Im sure both you and rajkumar yudhishtira are capable in that art well enough. Now tell me, mitr? Do you still wish for the throne? Throne is nothing, but just a position of respect . people will know you as the head of the kingdom you rule. But if you have the throne and the character is not up to the expectation of your subject, then are you a king, for real?".

Duryodhana listen attentively. He was greatful that he'd got such a friend all for himself. He was happy that he'd cut all ties with his mamanshri. He knew for sure now. If he had still remained loyal to his mamanshri, he'd manipulate him, inject poison into his mind and .... He shuddered as he remembered the contents of the letter.



Duryodhana had entered his mama's room to check on him. he was still angry at his mamanshri for the rood Behaviour to krishna. He was not favouring krishna, he loved krishna just because he saved his mitr from the pool of insults.

His mamanshri was in that zoned out state of his. He didn't seam to realise that Duryodhana was there.

Krishna was playing with Shakuni's mind. He'd not leave the latter until Shakuni begged him to stop.

"mamanshri. Tell me, how are you fealing now?". Krishna asked in his mind, a grin spread across his face.

Shakuni was frustrated. "you scream at me all the time in my mind. And you ask me how I feal?". Shakuni in frustration threw a parchment directly on duryodhana's face.

The latter cot it in his hands and ran out.

The stamp on it said clearly that it was a letter.

Curious, Duryodhana opened the letter.


Priye putr uluka. I hope you are fine.

I need you immediately at Hastinapur.

Our plans are failing miserably, my dear son.

You've heard of that cunning Vasudeva krishna , haven't you? That cowherd had come to Hastinapur as well and had turned out to be the cousins of the pandavas.

Duryodhana had taken a liking toward him, putr. Yesterday, I' had tried to kill that cowherd in his sleep, but ... so many things happened in the middle and you know, that krishna's playing with my mind since then.

You know what my aim is. My aim is to manipulate Duryodhana. He is such a fool and such craver for love that he thinks I really loves him. he is such a fool.

Our only aim, uluka, is to kill and destroy the kuru vansha. Nothing else.

That fool Duryodhana would be my instrument for that. He is so innocent like a child it is easy to poison his mind against the sons of pandu.

One day, it'd lead to a war, a war so dangerous that it'd destroy the kuruvansha along with its head, Bhishma.

Hope this letter would reach you safely.

(your' dear father, Shakuni)

Duryodhana read the letter and he did not know what to do. Cry, laugh, bang his head, what?

He didn't know.

His mamanshri, whom he had thought to love him , just just used him for his own selfish motives?

He was a fool according to his mamanshri?

He was poisoned and told lies to?

"my dear knefew duryodhana'.

Shakuni's bittersweet voice greeted duryodhana's ears.

A horrified gasp left shakuni's mouth as he saw the letter in duryodhana's hand.

"give, give the letter to me, putr". Shakuni said sweetly.

Duryodhana threw the letter down and turned furiously to his mamanshri.

"you you Betrayed me, you played with my fealings? You were doing nothing but using me for your own motives. From now on, don't you dare come in front of me. Im no longer your knefew and you no longer my uncle. If you ever showed yourself in front of me, I wont hesitate to tell pitamaha and pitashri to banish you from my kingdom".

Duryodhana screamed in one go. He himself was shocked that he could utter these words.

Shakuni was gaping at his knefew as Duryodhana walked off.

Shakuni knew this was it. He had no way out now.

Krishna's bittersweet laughter fill his head. "told you, mamanshri. You had challenged me, didn't you?".

Krishna smiled staring at the blue skys.

The first step had been taken finally to mend up their bonds.

· * *

a/n. happy Deepavali to all my readers. So here's the next chapter.

Forgive me if this is short.

well hope yall enjoyed the chapter.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now