Alice Chapter 1

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Time stopped. All of a sudden nothing happened. Nothing. Life itself was frozen. Then, as if someone flipped a switch, life came back into focus. I looked around the cafeteria and nothing seemed different. Kids were laughing, eating, and being normal (actually strangely because all teenagers are weird). The only difference was in my friends' expressions. I sat down at the table as they gazed back with expressions almost equally puzzled as my own.

"What's wrong?" I sat there waiting for a response from one of them, but all they did was watch me in confusion. A few seconds later my friend Isabelle stopped staring at me. She had straight blonde hair that reached just past her shoulders, had pale but flushed skin, and sky blue eyes. She loved playing soccer and was very loud. "Were you just looking at Kim Seokjin?"

One of my other friends, Nicole, burst out laughing out of the blue. She had dark curly brown hair and tan skin. Her eccentric brown eyes shone with teen girl mischief. She loved to get gossip about my nonexistent love life.

My own hair was straight and of a light brown color. My eyes changed shades. When I was born they were blue, then green, hazel, brown, then back to hazel. I loved art and reading. I really loved animals and climbing random stuff, even though I was bad at it and looked like a complete idiot. People thought I was a quiet person, but when they got to know me, they saw that I was actually a crazy maniac. So I was actually like every basic girl ever.

Nicole laughed again. "Okay, I'm just saying that's hilarious." She said through her large fits of giggles I could clearly see she was just trying to impress her crush, Han Jisung. She had liked him ever since she moved here, a year ago.

Then for a moment she paused, thinking. "Unless you were looking at him?" She sat there with an expectant face, waiting for a confirmation from me. "Well?" She asked.

I had no idea how to respond. Usually I would go immediately into denial, but this time, I was lost. What had just happened? Why were my friends staring at me? And why was Kim Seokjin's 'entourage' looking at me? Let alone Kim Seokjin ? "Sorry... but I have no clue about what just happened." I said distantly.

Nicole looked more confused than I did. "What do you mean you don't know?" I stood there with a blank face, allowing it to reveal how clueless I truly was. She began talking again before I could even process her question. "You were just walking over here with your food and you stopped, and then looked at Jin for a really long time. Like a looooong time. What, do you like him?"

I stared blankly at the wall and wondered about what I had been doing. I really didn't like him I personally didn't even know him but my friend had their conspiracy theory's. I was wondering how I ended up with them as friends. Nicole snapped her fingers in my face and I jumped, surprised and a little scared. "See?!" She asked. She looked at me like she did when she was having trouble with her math homework.

"Wait. You actually weren't staring at him on purpose?" She questioned, surprised, finally believing me. The level of disappointment in her voice was really high. Nicole had always liked to play a key role in drama, so the lack of it in this situation appeared to disappoint her.

I shook my head. Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, you're no fun."

I laughed as I said, "Sorry my lack of memory is inconveniencing you." She sat there impatiently. "Can't you remember now?"

"No, Nicole. I can't. And it doesn't matter anyways. It was just a random thought I suddenly had."

"Aww, but Alice, it'll bother me for the rest of the day."

"You might as well have said eternity."


"Nicole, you're being silly. You just love drama so you are using this as an excuse to create some for me. Which I don't need or want. Besides, if that was true, it would remind me of someone I already know." She considered the idea.

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