Seth A. Collins

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*Above is Seth*

As Rylie and I walked into school, I noticed something different about her. She's my best friend so I know when something's up. Also because I'm in love with her, like madly in love ever since the first time we met in 2nd grade, that's the moment I knew that I was going to fall for her, and fall hard.
I stopped her in front of the janitors closet.


"What Seth?"

"What's wrong?"

"N- Nothing."

"Rylie.... something... Matthews, I have been your best friend since 2nd grade and you think that I'll believe that crap?"

"Seth, honestly it's nothing, I don't want to talk about it, it's personal."

"You always tell me everything." I looked into her eyes and she put her face in my shoulder. Then she looked up at me.

"Really Seth it's n-"

"I've never kissed a girl before in my life." I said getting it off my chest, it as personal, and sort of embarrassing.

"What? But you've had like 9 girlfriends. And they were serious relationships." I held my head in shame.

"I never kissed them because there is only one girl that I would ever kiss." I blurted out not realizing what I had just said.


"Nothing, it's personal." She smacked my head.

"I thought that you were serious about that, You just did that so I would say what you wanted me to say." Next she tickled me. She knows that I can tolerate pain more than I can tolerate being tickled.

"Who said I wasn't serious." I kissed her cheek and walked into band, my 1st hour class. I can't believe that she can't take a hint. I say that and then kiss her cheek and she suspects nothing.

"SETH!" River screamed into my ear.

"What the f- fudge nuggets?"

"I said your name like 12 times. Were you daydreaming about my little sister again?"

"What? Pfft... No I wasn- ... Is it that obvious River, like really?"

"Incredibly obvious Seth my boy. But it isn't your fault because I swear my sister is the most oblivious person in the world."

"But River... The thing is... I don't want her to know, yet I do."

"Why the f- fudge would you not want a girl to know that you have been madly in love with her for 10 years?!?"

"Because, if she doesn't feel the same way then we wouldn't be how we are now, we wouldn't be best friends."

"Seth, my sister may be oblivious, but she isn't stupid. You tell each other that you love each other all the time. I have the perfect idea."

"And what might that be River?"

"Today at lunch, ask her to prom."

"But how, with what?"

"Run to the gas station, buy a single rose, Oreos, Skittles, and 3 Arizonas. And right now I'll help you make a poster that says 'What would be sweeter than going to prom with me?', and then when she says yes kiss her and ask her out."

"I feel like you're setting me up to like watch me crash and burn."

"Dude, I want nothing more in life than for my twin sister to be happy. And you're like a brother to me so you have to choice against my niceness."

We did it, we made the poster, I got the candy and drinks, I taped the candy to the poster and put the drinks in my backpack. I quickly shoved everything in my locker before the bell rang for lunch. Rylie and I always share her locker, so neither of us ever use my locker, I only do for secretive things like this. I was about to go find Rylie when she ran over to me with a smile plastered on her face, a rose in her hand, and a card...

"You'll never guess what happened last period Seth!"

" What might that be?"

"Okay, well you know Cameron's best friend Cole?" I nodded. "Well, he came into my class, talked to my teacher who was sitting on his lazy a- butt, and then he walked over to me. He got down on one knee, opened up a little box and asked me to prom, and in the little velvet box was this beautiful charm bracelet, and he gave me this rose and card." She said, not being able to stop smiling.

"Oh my gosh!" I was about to kill the guy. "Congratulations!" I yelled and hugged her. "But isn't Cole at college with Cam?"

"They're on summer break already." I smiled.

"Well congrats again!" I said placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiled. "I love you Rylie."

"I love you too Seth." She went to kiss my cheek, as I was turning my face to hug her, so she kissed the corner of my mouth. She looked shocked, and I hugged her. "Seth I-"

"It's okay Rylie." Now I know what it's like to fangirl or.. fanboy I guess. I so wish that I would've moved quicker and her lips would've landed on mine.
I looked at my locker, and so started my Rylie sanctuary. I realize school is almost over, but that's okay with me. I'll leave it, after something goes in that locker, I will never take it out.

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