The Run

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I woke up the next morning in Cole's arms wrapped tightly around me. I looked at the clock and realized that I have to be to school in 30 minutes and I still need to take a shower and get ready. I kissed his lips pretty hard in order to wake up the sleeping sloth, and he kissed me back with the same hardness.

"Anderson, I gotta get to school!" I said frantically.

"Since when do you have school on Saturdays Miss Matthews?"

"It's Saturday?"

"Yes, babe, it is." He said smirking. "But it's cute that you got all frantic and such, you're so adorable."

"Why thankyou." I said kissing his nose. I texted Seth asking him to come pick me up. "So, usually on Saturday mornings, all my brothers sleep in, and I go on a run, so you can stay here or go to my place and chill until I get back. Then we can go swimming in our pool."

"Can't I go on your morning run with you sweet cheeks?"

"If you want, but you have to keep up."

"Yay!" He said smiling.

"But I have to go home and get changed first, so meet me at my place in 20 minutes."

"Okay Matthews."

"Alright Anderson." I brushed my lips on his and tried to run toward the door, but as I ran, he grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him. He pushed his lips against mine and we kissed for about 45 seconds until the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find Seth standing there.

"Hey Rylie."

"Hey Seth." I said kissing his cheek.

"Anderson." Seth said rudely.

"Collins." Cole retorted.

"Alright, bye babe, I'll see you soon." I said kissing Cole's nose.

"Bye babe." He said, pulling my hips to his and smashing his lips onto mine to show off to Seth, that lasted about 10 seconds and he pulled away and smiled. Seth and I walked out and he led me to his car. We got in and sat down, and he started up the car.

"So why are you dating him again? After he broke your heart and left me to pick up the pieces."

"Seth, you know that isn't what happened. You know that he and I broke up because he was going to college and we both agreed on moving on."

"But it broke your heart."

"And you helped put the pieces back together which gave us the opportunity to get closer to each other."

"But Rylie, I don't have such a good feeling about him this time."

"Seth, it'll be okay."

"Alright, and did you tell him?"

"And break his fragile little heart?"

"He did it to you." I smacked his chest. "What?"

"It's different this way."

"How so, you're leaving to go to Mexico with your cousin for a month."

"But I don't want to break up with him, and it isn't until the day after prom."

"And your flight leaves 3 hours after your brothers' high school graduation."

"Seth, fine, I'll tell him on our run."

"Your taking him?"

"There's no other time to tell him and he thinks he can handle it."

"I was on track for 5 years and I still can't handle your runs Rylie."

"Well maybe Anderson is different."


"Are you okay?"

"What do you mean Rylie?"

"I mean, you've been acting weird ever since Cole asked me out and to Prom. Almost as if you were jealous." I said wishing it were true.

"Hahaha very funny Matthews."

"I know, but seriously what's wrong with my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" He said smirking.

"I mean best friend!" I said blushing.

"Its nothing Rylie, like I said before, nothing."

"You also said that you've never kissed anyone."


"I don't know where I'm going with this."

"Okay... Girlfriend."

"Love you Seth."

"Love you too Rylie." He said as I looked at him, I so badly wanted to just kiss him and hear him say "don't distract the driver," and then kiss me back. But that's just my fantasy, and I already have a boyfriend. I smiled and so did he. When we pulled into my driveway, I got out of his car, hugged him, and invited him to swim in 2 hours. He agreed to swimming and kissed my cheek goodbye. I blushed and smiled and he went over to talk to JC. I ran upstairs and put on my joggers and a 'Better Than You' tshirt. I got on my shoes and put my hair up then ran downstairs to find Cole, Cam, River, and JC.

"Just to where you normally run okay little sis."

"Got it Guys." I said walking out the door with Cole following me. I started off with jogging and he seemed to think that it was okay and that he would live, then we got to the trail.

"Woah woah woah. What the fudge is that?"

"The trail that I run every Saturday, why babe?" I smirked. "Too much for a cool guy like you to handle?"

"Pfft, no, I just thought that maybe it would be too hard for you."

"Not likely babe." I said sprinting down the trail with Cole trying to keep up behind me. After about 15 minutes, he looked like he was about to pass out so I decided to stop and sit down with him and tell him.

"Did you *breath* have *breath* enough?"

"No, but I wanted to talk to you." Je nodded and we sat down.

"What did you want to talk about? You're not dumping me are you?"

"No, I haven't gotten bored of you yet Anderson. But it is kinda important, and I would understand if you would want to break up with me after."

"You aren't cheating on me are you?"

"Of course not. The thing is..." I froze. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't.


"I lost that necklace that you gave me the first time we dated." I panicked.

"It's alright, I'll get you a new one okay babe, don't stress about it okay."

"Okay." He leaned in and lightly kissed me.

"I love you Matthews."

"Love you too Anderson."

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